~Important Question~

341 11 24

Hey guys. So I was thinking of roasting some SGE fanfics that are here on Wattpad. My admin, FeatherxClaw37 has written a few SGE fanfics (if you've read em) and I was thinking of basically writing a bad review or something on her stories. This idea mainly came to me because I was bored and if any of you would like to see me talk crap about then, please feel free to let me know in the comments.

And if any of you WOULD like me to roast FeatherxClaw37's fanfics, which one would you like me to roast first:

A.) SGE His Darkened Heart (A Japaric fanfiction)


B.) SGE Their Never After (Rophie)

I'm not going to roast the sequel to His Darkened Heart because that's still ongoing and there's not many chapters in it.

And okay, I KNOW I'm basically roasting my OWN flipping fanfics, but I thought it'd be fun. And if anyone else whose read @FeatherxClaw37's fanfics wishes to also roast them, you have her permission to do so.

Bye than, I guess. I'm gonna go say hello to my favorite son now.


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