Chapter 9

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*Erica's pov*

The air was chilly against my warm skin, making the heat of Hui-mang's tightening  grip obvious though my gaze were solely rested on the figure ahead. She was clad in a off-white mermaid tail long dress with a cloak hanging from the same fabric hanging behind. The neckline and shoulder blades of the dress were decorated from heavy gold works as well as the elbows area of the heavy looking cloak. A plain gold band was wrapped around her waist emphasizing the dip of her curves. My gaze traveled to her face only to notice that the bottom half of her face is covered from a white silk like a mast and striking blue pair of eyes was starring right into me sending shivers down my spine. Instantly his gaze that day on the throne room flashed in front of my eyes, earning a soft gaze from me. The irises that are piercing into me right now is the same as those irises I witnessed for a split second that day.

Her orbs, they remind me of the deep ocean and I felt like I am drowning on them, yet nothing was suffocating. The water embracing my petite figure to swallow me deep into the ocean felt like a lullaby, comforting my unsettled heart. The blue water was etching into the infinity almost turning my orbs into the magnificent color of blue. I felt the pull on my ankles, drowning me deeper. My whole figure was embraced by water sending a silence message that everything is okay, I can finally rest. 

"What are you doing here?" Hui-mang snapped breaking both of us from the whatever trance we fell into. 

"Awww... you are still salty over the past?" She taunted in a mocking tone taking few steps closer to stand eye to eye with the girl who is shielding me. But I was deep in thought trying to figure out the laced emotion that hid behind her sarcastic tone.

Hui-mang turned her face to the side gritting her teeth and I noticed her orbs flashing red with the tightening grip on my wrist. The girl who silently observed her stiff figure extended her hand in order to grasp her shoulder, but Hui-mang backed away with a hiss bumping into my figure.

"Answer me! Why are you here?" She questioned again in a firm tone speaks nothing but business. 

"I am here to see the so cold future queen of devil!" The girl answered hardening her tone and gaze, making me feel like the blue water I was drowning a few minutes ago turning icy cold. There was no emotion laced on her voice now. It was void of everything and I felt her words piercing my soul. She eyed me up and down with that cold gaze before scoffing in mock amusement. "Foll!" She mumbled particularly into no one making Hui-mang grit her teeth and take a step forward stepping into her comfort zone.

"Yes he is!" She confirmed in a relentless tone. "He is a fool for hoping that you will regret and fooling himself to believe that he will enjoy it. He is a fool for assuming your pain will bring joy to him More than that he is the biggest fool for waiting for someone that would never RETURN!" Hui-mang yelled the last word into her face making her eyes twitch with something neither of us could understand. But she was standing there void of any emotion like a statue while Hui-mang was panting from her outburst. 

"You just confirmed he is mine babe!" Hui-mang collapsed into my figure taken back by her calm statement. I heard the loud intake of breath from her at those words and her widened eyes wasn't any expectation to show how surprised she is. The cold blue irises land on me while my weak form is trying to keep the demon leaning into me straight. "You!" The girl directly addressed, her tone is like a double edge sword. "No one can replace me. He was mine and will be mine forever. Stay away from my man!" 

"What the fuck Lilith!" Hui-mang screeched straightening at the last statement. I hid a wince I so badly wanted to let out at her loud cursing. "What authority you have to barge in here and state a claim on my brother?" Both of us scrunched our faces in confusion, when the girl let out a light chuckle finding non existence humor in her words.

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