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Wave woke up disoriented and confused. He was on a couch in an unfamiliar place with a sea of blankets surrounding him. The room was quiet and the sun was just starting to rise. Wave blinked and tried to remember last night. Pang, Chinese food, Ghibli.

Kissing on the couch, passing out in the middle of the film.

He was in Pang's apartment still. Pang must have wrapped him in a blanket and went to bed after the movie. Or maybe he didn't even finish the movie. Wave had no way of knowing.

He stumbled around Pang's kitchen in search of a cup of water. He was thirsty and his mouth tasted nasty. He tried being quiet, but he dropped a blue plastic cup on the ground and cursed.

Wave was filling the cup when Pang shuffled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. He blinked when he saw Wave. "Good morning," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I just needed some water," Wave told him.

Pang nodded, then wrapped his arms around Wave's middle. It felt terribly domestic, not that Wave necessarily minded. Pang kissed the side of Wave's head then started up his coffee machine without a word. Unlike Wave who was still in his clothes from yesterday, Pang was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of flannel pants. His hair was sticking up in every direction. Wave found him very cute.

"Coffee?" Pang asked.


"You like it black, right? No sugar?"

Wave gaped at Pang. "How did you know?"

Pang shrugged. "I saw you order a black coffee at the cafe."

Wave was sure that Pang wasn't able to hear his conversation with the barista when they met up for the second time, but he didn't want to question Pang's methods so early in the morning. He checks his phone for the time and maybe for messages. His grandmother hadn't texted so he assumed she either didn't notice or didn't care.

"I should get back soon," Wave said. He chugged the rest of his water and accepted the mug of hot coffee that Pang handed to him. "My grandmother might be worried. I'm supposed to go shopping with her later."

"Before you go, we should talk," Pang said. "About... last night? And maybe what will happen later. I don't know."

Wave's heart jumped. "Of course."

Pang set his mug down and reached for Wave's hand. "I just want to apologize again for pushing you. It was wrong and I should have asked you for permission. I'm sorry."

Wave was touched. He knew that not all men were like Pang. A lot of guys would complain or call Wave a prude, but Pang was compassionate and understanding. "Thank you. That means a lot."

"And even if you never want to have sex, I would totally understand. It's different for everyone. I like you a lot, Wave. I don't want to make you uncomfortable ever."

Did Pang just confess to him? Wave felt like he was in high school all over again, but this time the roles were reversed. Wave confessed to Pang several times when they were in high school after every time Pang forgot. This was new.

Since Wave didn't respond, Pang kept talking almost as if he were panicking. "I know you're leaving in a few months and I know we're at different places in our lives, but I really want to make things work with you. If you don't want to I understand, but I'd really like to be your boyfriend."


Pang looked up from where his eyes were glued to the floor. "What?"

Wave took a step closer and kissed Pang right on the lips. Pangs was too shocked to kiss him back before Wave pulled away. "I like you too. I'm not so great at saying how I feel, but right now I know that I would love to be your boyfriend."

Pang's eyes lit up like he was an excited puppy. "Really?"

Wave nodded. "Really."

Pang barreled forward and practically tackled Wave into a hug. Some of Wave's coffee spilled on the floor, but he didn't care. He set the mug down and hugged Pang back. He knew that he never wanted to let him go again.

Longing for You - a PangWave fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now