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Lucious bopped his head to the music that played throughout the backyard. Meeks cousin Reggie was cooking up all the meat on the grill while Nicki was inside making side dishes.

All the men sat around the large circular table as they played dominoes and drank beer while the kids played in the yard and of course all the ladies was inside.

"Man y'all niggas suck." Lucious said as he one yet another round of the game.

"You saw my stack that's how you won. Cheating ass" Nip said while shuffling up the dominoes so they could go again.

"I'm not playing wit yo cheating ass no more cuz. This your third time winning in a row, this is beyond me." Meek said sipping his beer making everybody at the table laugh.

Nip started to deal the dominoes out again so everybody got serious. Everybody was so determined to beat Lu but it was like mission impossible.

Lucious grabbed the blunt from behind his ear and sparked it up. He took a few hits and held it between his lips as he looked over his stash.

"Aye Cookie coming?" Tip asked pushing his deal to the center of the table.

"Nick told me she said she'd think about it but she wasn't fasho about coming" Meek said and everybody nodded.

After Cookie and Lu officially were divorced the cat was out the bag that Lucious was having an affair with Star. Everybody was shocked because they seemed so happy but nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors.

When Star announced her pregnancy to everybody, the group had just accepted Lu for what he was...a cheater. Even his mother, who hated Cookie with a passion said he was wrong.

"There she go right there" Teddy said and motioned his head towards the gate. Everybody's attention drifted over to the backyards entrance and saw Cookie come in with the kids right behind her.

As always Cookie was dressed down to the T. Her hair was laid, her body was banging in her outfit, her heels and purse just looked expensive and her freshly done mani x pedi could be seen from across the yard.

"Yo she fine as a bitch, who that?" Marlo asked biting his lip as they all watched Cookie greet everybody with nothing but hugs and smile's.

Marlo is Nips little brother, he doesn't know who's who or anything, so he was oblivious to who he was talking about.

"She coming over here, introduce yourself." Meek said with a chuckle. He knew exactly how this would play out.

"Hey y'all." Cookie said waving as she bypassed the table the men were sitting at to get inside. Everybody spoke except for Lucious, he was to busy eyeing his ex wife down.

"Where Kelvin at?" Quinn asked. Everybody was wondering the same thing since he didn't walk in with them.

"He got stuck at work, he'll try to be here later." She assured while opening the french door to go inside.

When Cookie opened the door Star came out and walked over to Lucious, sat on his lap and took the blunt out of his mouth so she could hit it.

"Oh hey Cookie." She smiled as she blew smoke from her mouth.

Cookie smiled back and internally laughed at her antics. "Hey Star." She looked over to check on her kids who were all sitting down talking to their cousins, as well as Reign and Caiden.

Lucious opened his mouth to say something to Cookie but Nicki and Skye beat him to it. "I thought I heard you...ouu look at you looking fine." Skye said making Cookie laugh.

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