Chapter Eight : Getting Better

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"Mabes, wake up. It's morning." I grumbled and pulled her closer, snuggling into her. She sighed. "We're gonna be late if you don't get up."

"For what?"

"We're supposed to meet up with Dipper and his demon friends for a triple date, remember? You promised him. And Bill was going to explain everything." I grumbled again and sat up, letting her go. She sat up and faced me, giving me incentive to get ready with a kiss. I kissed her back before I got up and retrieved a shirt from my cubby, tossing my sweater from the previous night to her so she could wear it. I knew she liked having my scent on her. I love her.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Finally," she teased. "Where are we meeting them?"

"The community area. I think they actually invited the others too. Simon and Ethan and them. So really it's a five-couple date." She laughed. That's what I'm after. We left her pond and went to the community area, joking around as we went. I couldn't contain my smile as we rounded the corner into the area ; there were nothing but smiles. Bill was talking to Mandie and Tyler, introducing them to Eryn. The rest of the crew were playing tag, darting around the group of talkers. Laughter filled the air, often followed by curses and splash. Pacifica went off to join the conversation leaving me alone.

"Hey, Mabes! Come join us!" Dipper called, narrowly dodging away from Ashtoni as she tried to tackle him. He swam away after splashing her in the face with water. She came back up sputtering, sending me and Dipper into giggle fits.

"Hold on, kay? I gotta talk to someone real quick." He nodded and went off, swiftly going after Ethan. I went over to the group of talkers, giving a couple quick "hellos" before dragging Bill away. We stopped just inside the pond, settling on a few boulders below the surface. "Sorry, but I really wanna know."

"No, it's fine. I'm sure if some random person tried to date my brother and they had history, I'd wanna know too. Plus, I promised, so y'know." He chuckled, his voice somewhere between Tyler and Simon's, though he seemed to have good range. He cleared his throat and began, almost instantly lost in memories as he went though the last six days. By the time he finished all of it, the game of tag included everyone, sometimes spreading out into the entryway of the community area.

"Damn," I exhaled. "You didn't lie about how much happened. So he does know what that means, right? Being fated?" He nodded, taking deep breaths. "It all makes sense." He gave me a quizzical - if you can even call it that. His left eye was covered by bandages again, so he just looked like he smelled something sour. "A few days ago, right after that first dream where you noticed the destiny mark, I had asked Pac out, and I woke him up and said "Guess what." It sounded like a joke at the time but now..." Another weird look. "He said, "You met a demon and you think you love him?" Definitely talking about you, Blondie."

"He really said that...?" he mumbled, blushing slightly while glancing at Dipper. Another dopey, lovesick smile formed on his face. Everything is great. Dipper's happy. I'm happy. Our friend group has grown.

"Bill, Mabel, if you don't get your asses over here, I will personally drag you!" Dipper called, probably clued in by Bill that they were done. We laughed, shared a glance, and dove down, popping up in the group. I wrapped my arms around Pacifca's waist, getting a yelp from her.

"Bill, don't you fucking dare."

"Aww, you're no fun, Pinetree," Bill pouted coming up beside Dipper. I snuggled my face into Pacifca's neck giving her a gentle kiss. She giggled quietly, raising her hand and clasping mine.

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