Chapter Two : Idea Time

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     "Stan! Ford!" Dipper and I shouted in unison as the older pair of twins walked into the clearing. We dove into the water from our respective activities and sped over to the water's edge.

     "Dipper, Mabel, how ya two been?" Stan chuckled, his smile wide and unashamed. Ford gave a gentler smile and signed to us ; "Give him the surprises!" We each hugged the two as they crouched by the water, waiting for us to allow them in, an unspoken privacy they allowed us. They never got in until we said they could, which to me made a big difference in the amount of trust I had in them. Dipper claimed it had something to do with siren magic, pointing out the fact that no other magical being entered the water without asking. The other sirens who lived in various ponds connected to the Lizard Stream, the big stream that allowed us all to visit the beach every once in a while, entered without asking if we were asleep and they had something they thought we needed to know, like if there were any hunter sightings or if any new beings were attracted to the singing. Otherwise, they always asked.

     I knew that, deep down, he trusted them more because of the privacy too, even if it was a magical rule. Dipper and I swam across the pond to my rock, pulling four gift boxes and a rolled-up poster out of a crack in the rock. Ford had given us wrapping paper and taught us how to wrap presents, explaining that we should make Stan gifts for his birthday. I think he thought we had forgotten they were twins, making Stan's birthday Ford's birthday as well. We hid the gifts behind us, sharing a sneaky grin. Stan's face was confused as we stopped in front of them.

     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAN AND FORD!" we shouted, startling the pair as we tossed their gifts into their hands. They shared a grin before thanking us and opening the gifts. Dipper was hiding behind me, making me believe he was afraid they would dislike his gifts to them.

     "Awe, kids! You didn't have to do this," Ford chuckled, as he didn't know we were making him stuff too. He leaned down and hugged us each. Stan did the same, playfully punching Ford in the shoulder.

     "You big doof! They're too smart to not remember we're twins!" He turned to us. "Thank you kids. Now, do you want us to open these first or practice first?"

     "Open your presents, you big dumb-dumbs," I yelled doing a backflip over Dipper to sit on my rock. Dip-Dop simply sat on the rock shelf bench in front of Stan and Ford. They had taken us in when we were really young and alone. Stan claimed we were close to death and untrusting, though understandably, as we had just watched a hunter accidentally shoot our father. Our mother had died when we were born, so we didn't know her. They were basically our adoptive parents, teaching us and caring for us, making sure we were safe. I loved them both. Dipper loved them both. They loved both of us.


     Ugh, my head... Oh stop whining, you wuss.I looked over my shoulder, so I could watch Stan and Ford open their presents. Stan went first, opening Mabel's. He pulled out a huge, forest green wool sweater with neon green dollar signs all over. "Awe, thanks Mabes! I'd wear it, but I assume we'll eventually swim." He chuckled, folding it neatly and placing it in his bag. They opened the joint gift next. Mabel and I had spent so long making it together, and it was meant for both of them, so if one of them didn't like it, I would probably die. My hands were clammy, and my headache worsened.

     "Dipper, Mabel, this is amazing! Thank you!" he yelled, hugging me tightly. He held the painting up, his eyes darting around the canvas poster. I felt my face heat up, and a shy smile spread across my face. I had asked some of the neighboring creatures to find certain berries so I could make my own paint. It took a while, and I hated relying on others, but eventually, I had gotten all the colors I needed.

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