Chapter 12: Adolla Burst 2

Start from the beginning

" You three are Fire Soldiers right, can you fight these guys" Vulcan asked as he looked at me

" I could but I didn't bring my sword with me and to be honest, I don't feel very knightly at the moment" Arthur said

" When I don't feel like a knight, my flames get very weak" Arthur said

" Huh?" Vulcan said as he looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders

" Like I need a weapon that feels more swordly, give me something with more swordliness and I'll get way stronger" Arthur said as I rolled my eyes

" If you seek Arthur Boyle's protection, then you should know the more I look like a knight the more powerful I get" Arthur said

" That's why they call me the Knight King" Arthur said

" Nobody calls you the Knight King" I said

" Yeah, I can tell from a glance that you are as dumb as I thought" Vulcan said pointing at Arthur

" So If I help you dress up like a knight then you'll get stronger is that right" Vulcan asked as he built a sword

" Knightly....... Knightly..... Yeah a brave steed" Vulcan said as he build a horse

" Alright Arthur, you're up" I said as Arthur went out of the Workshop

" Why not go and help" Vulcan asked

" You still haven't answered my question" I said

" Alright, now is not the time to be like this Jaye" Vulcan said

" I let you hit me, what mo-" Vulcan said as I slapped him again

" You didn't let me slap you.... let's make that clear" I said

" And what's up with you" I said as I looked at Lisa

" W-what do you mean" Lisa asked

" You know what, nevermind, I am going to help Arthur" I said as I opened the door and slammed it behind me

" High-ho Silver" Arthur said as he had a donkey strapped to his crotch

" My King commanded me to defend the princess and her courtesans, I vowed to chop you villains into bits and use you as grist in that mill" Arthur said as I rolled my eyes

" Who are you, I doubt that you're from the workshop" The man asked

" Woah" I thought as Arthur pulled out his sword and it's stronger than before

" Ride forth, Silver" Arthur said

" In the name of the round table..... I smite thee" Arthur said as my eyes glowed purple

" EXCALIBUR" Arthur yelled as he slashed his sword at the man and the group of people behind him turned out to be an illusion

" All those troops, I cut through them so much like paper-mache" Arthur said as I lit my fist and ran towards the dude

" Guess the Workshop hired fighters" The dude asked as I threw a punch at him and he dodged it

" To slo-" The dude said as I kneed him in the face and he flew in the air

" FIRE FIST JAB" I yelled as I jumped and punched him back to the ground

" I'll handle the illusion guy, you get the dude from the ground" I said as I ran passed him and stopped behind him

" Hydrokinesis" I thought as my eyes glowed blue and the water from the water bottle swirled around me and turned into octopus legs

" Thou there be many of you, I'll hold strong and let none pass" Arthur said as I hit some of the clones with a water tentacle

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