Chapter 12: Adolla Burst 2

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" So you two think that Company Three's Captain is out to Kill Vulcan" Arthur asked

" It's basically just a hunch but it felt so real" Shinra said

" But he was trying to recruit Vulcan, if he wants him in his company then why would he try to murder him" Iris asked

" That's a nice question for Giovanni to answer" I said

" It might be because of his families history with Haijima" Shinra said

" Are you planing on telling Vulcan about this, I doubt he'll believe you" Arthur said

" After all I don't believe you" Arthur said as I punched him on top of his head

" I might be wrong but I've got a hunch of my own, could this have to do with that Adolla Burst of yours" Iris asked

" Jaye, you felt the same thing right" Shinra asked

" I even heard Giovanni say it" I said

" Alright, we will say what Gionvanni said at the same time" Shinra said

" Ready, set, go" Shinra said

" The time has come, Vulcan must die" Shinra an I said

" Then it must be true" Iris said

" All I know it that I will be a fool to ignore this" Shinra said as I agreed

" Alright, you will go after Giovanni, me, Iris an Arthur will go warn Vulcan" I said as everyone nodded

" Right" Iris said

" We are the only ones who can fight, I am counting on you guys" Shinra said as he flew away

" Let's go" I said as we went to the Workshop

" Hey Vulcan, let us i-" I said as Vulcan opened the door and went back to his work

" Giovanni is planing to kill you" I said

" Why would you think that Dr. Giovanni's planing to kill me" Vulcan asked

" If one of us is about to jump to murder, it would be me" Vulcan said

" I'm the one who has a grudge against him" Vulcan said

" Yeah well...." Iris said as Arthur interrupted her

" Shinra and Jaye kinda hand a vision except it was with their ears" Arthur said as I put my palm to my face

" I hope that you guys might be different from the other Fire Soldiers but making crap up just to scare me into jo-" Vulcan said as I slapped him

" This is not about the Company anymore..... this is about your life whether you want to keep it or not" I said as Vulcan looked at me shocked

" Uh Vulcan" Yu said as Vulcan turned to Yu and I sensed a group of people surrounding the workshop

" Think there is close to a hundred of them" Lisa said as I looked at her weirdly

" All of this just to get me, that's insane" Vulcan said

" How did Shinra let that big of a force get passed him" Arthur asked

" What the hell is he doing out there" Arthur asked as I moved to the middle of the room and my eyes glowed purple

" Is there any water around here" I asked as I felt the heat of everyone around the workshop

" Yeah, here" Yu said as he gave me a water bottle

" Alright then" I said as I put the water bottle in my pocket

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