Chapter 7: Infernal Insects

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" Ugh this is not what I thought Company 1 would be like" I said as I got a tray of well made food

" It's too fancy for me" I said as Arthur laughed

" What do you know about what's fancy and what's not" Arthur said as I glared at him

" Well for your information, my family has money" I said as I showed them my two rings

" Woah, that had to cost a lot of money" Shinra said as I smiled

" So like I said..... too fancy" I said as I ate a piece of egg

" So how did you guys know you want to be a fire soldier" Takeru Noto asked

" Well I wanted to solve the mystery of human combustion and to save people" Shinra said

" It's un-kightly not to save the peasantry" Arthur said

" I did it for the ladies" Toru Kishiri said

" Ugh, what kind of woman want someone who blows bubble gum" I asked as Toru glared at me

" What about you Jaye" Takeru asked

" Well.... I wanted to solve the mystery of human combustion and also figure out how my mother turned infernal" I said

" Well isn't it all the same for everyone else who turns infernal" Arthur asked

" My Mother was a pyrokinetic, pyrokinetic's can't turn infernal" I said

" You guys are so amazing, I can barely control my pyrokinesis at all" Takeru said

" Maybe it's because I don't have a sense of purpose like you guys" Takeru said

" It's ok Takeru, you'll find it soon" I said

" It's time for morning assembly, so finish eating already" Tamaki yelled as Takeru blushed deeply

" All of you need to hurry back to your stations and-" Tamaki said as Arthur grabbed the mayo but it was under Tamaki's skirt

" If you would excuse me, ma'am, I need the mayonaise" Arthur said as Tamaki jumped towards Shinra and landed on his head

" You're such a friggin' jerk, Stay away from me meow, will you" Tamaki said clawing at Shinra

" I was just sitting still and then you fell on me" Shinra said blocking the claws and then a loud bell rang

" Is that the morning assembly bell" Shinra asked

" That's the alarm! It means that an infernal appeared" Tamaki said

" Juggernaut, find Lieutenant Hoshimiya" Tamaki said

" Kishiri, Lieutenant Li" Tamaki said

" And you three from the 8th go f-" Tamaki said as I got up

" I don't take orders from you" I said

" Shinra, Arthur, let's find Lieutenant Flam" I said as Shinra nodded and got up with Arthur following him

" Hey do you know where Lieutenant Flam is" I asked as the other members of comapny 1 just ignored me

" Ugh, let's just get dressed" I said as we ran to the lockers and got dressed

" Hey Jaye, you in here" Lieutenant Flam said

" Yes, where do you need us" I said

" Just come with me" Lieutenant Flam said as we followed him to a matchbox and drove to the place the infernal was sighted

" This is another mass total incident, a number of 5 victims turned infernal" Lieutenant Flam said

" Nozaka Squad, get civilians out of this area, Matsuda Squad spread out and keep the rest of us informed" Lieutenant Flam said

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