Chapter 5: Princess Hibana

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" Ugh this is so hard to do" I said as I was at the sacred pool Sister Iris prays at trying to work my hydrokinesis

" Now focus" I thought as I closed my eyes and imagined the water from the pool following my hand

" Now freeze" I said as I opened my eyes to see a icicle in front of me

" T-this is so cool" I said as the icicle soon turned into water and fell back into the pool

" UGH DAMNIT" I yelled as I stomped my foot and lightning lit the grass on fire

" Damnit" I thought as I put the fire out

" This is so frustrating" I thought as I walked to the showers

" Where is everyone" I asked myself as I turned the water on and began bathing myself

" Jaye what are you doing, everyone is on the roof training" Obi asked as he got into the stall next to me and started the water

" Well I was practicing by myself since I am different" I said as I put shampoo on my hair and began to scrub

" Sweet but you might want to join them since lieutenant Hinawa will be mad at you" Obi said as I looked at him and soon regretted it

" Sweet but you might want to join them since lieutenant Hinawa will be mad at you" Obi said as I looked at him and soon regretted it

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" You ok" Obi asked as my face was super red

" Y-y-yes I am" I said as I adverted my gaze up to his eyes but that doesn't help

" Need something" Obi asked as I shook my head no and began to wash the shampoo out of my hair

" You have nice hair" Obi said

" I know" I said as I giggled

" Funny" Obi said as he chuckled a little

" This talk was nice" I said as I stopped the water

" It would of been better with you showering in the same sta-AAAAAAAH" Obi yelled as the water became more hot

" Watch what you say captain, you might get burned~" I whispered in his ear and soon slapped his ass

" J-jaye" Obi said as I was already at the door

" See you later old man" I said as I left the shower room and went to my shared dorm to change into my orange jumpsuit

" Ugh, let's get this over with" I said as I walked through the doors to the roof to see a super mad face belonging to Hinawa

" Where. were. you" Hinawa asked glaring at me

" I-I was in the showers since I was up early training" I said

" Well I am gonna need you to fight Shinra" Hinawa said as Shinra had his creepy smile on his face

" Ok, I won't go easy Shinra" I said as Shinra chuckled

" Don't want you too" Shinra said as I got into my fighting stance

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