39. Show Downs and New Suits

Start from the beginning

"It's just a means to an end. Its power comes from her." Non gestured to the giant doughnut sitting behind them -- Fort Ross, according to what Kara had told Dez before leaving the DEO headquarters. He was being pinned down by the two hawk warriors while Firestorm and Kara tag teamed their attacks on him.

"Can't smash that to little bits," Indigo said smugly, which was rather hard to do considering she was getting her ass kicked by a whole bunch of humans and a Martian.

It was a classic mistake all bad guys made in the movies, and Deserey had to try very hard to hide her laughter. They talk too much. In effort to throw them off their game, get inside their heads because they know their losing, Non and Indigo had given away everything the Legends and Team Supergirl needed to defeat them. And Ray, the only occupied person at the moment, was easily able to slip away undetected thanks to his Atom suit.

Kara shook her head. For a moment, the fighting ceased, even Leonard and Mick paused, waiting to see how this little scene would pan out. Maybe their team was just trying to distract Non and Indigo as much as they were trying to distracted Kara and co. "This is not what Astra wanted. Please, don't kill everyone."

"Your aunt wanted to save this planet," Non sneered, yanking his arms from Kendra and Carter, sending them hurtling back to the ground. "The humans extinction will do just that."

"Like Noah after the flood. Only without Noah. Or you," Indigo said.

Dez scoffed. "That's just rude... And a bit homicidal. Have you considered therapy?"

Indigo growled, which only furthered Deserey's concern for her mental health. She ducked as the blue alien threw a punch her way, letting her go stumbling past her and right into J'onn's fist. His hit sent her soaring, crashing threw the fence on the other side of the valley; he flew after her, only for her to extend her arm, stabbing him in his side. She was going to kill him! "It's time for you to join your people, Martian!"she shouted loud enough that Dez could hear from the distance. There was no way they'd get there in time, no one could run that long of a distance that quickly.

Up in the air, Kara and Non were exchanging blows, Firestorm swooping down to get the hawks back on their feet. At some point Non got the upper hand, sending Kara slamming to the ground, kicking up dirt and leaving a crater where she'd hit. The hawks and Firestorm hurried to her aid. But Non was gaining the upper hand again. He was easily able to take on all his opponents at once. "Tell your parents hello!" Non hissed, firing lasers at Kara, punching the others away from him as they tried to attack from behind.

"Tell them yourself!" Kara hissed back, her own lasers colliding with Non's. It went back and forth for a while, a few times Kara looked like she might win, but their luck was running out. Even if Non and Indigo were the ones who were outnumbered, the Legends were out matched -- or so it seemed.

Deserey stamped her foot on the ground, a sand blast in either direction. Maybe she couldn't run as fast as Barry and cover that much ground in such a sort time, but she did have one thing going for her: the ground beneath her feet. This was her domain. It was their big mistake, leading her to a fight on her own territory. Indigo flew ten feet in the air away from J'onn. The other sand blast pushed Non far away from Supergirl, causing him to land on his ass. It might have looked comical under different circumstances.

Dez turned to Leonard and Mick as Indigo came crashing down. "I need to borrow your guns. I have an idea."

Leonard held his gun the slightest bit closer to himself, probably remembering what happened the last time she'd attempted to use his gun. "How about you point us in the right direction and we'll shoot."

Dez rolled her eyes. "That's what I meant! Don't worry, you can keep your limbs this time."

Mick grunted, already charging the Heat Gun up."What's the plan, Sandy?"

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