"You're not, don't worry," Lily said quickly. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that you shouldn't take it for granted because you never know what might happen."

"I'm not, I promise," Rose assured her.

"We know," James said.

"Remus and I didn't want anymore kids anyways," Tonks admitted. "Teddy is all we need."

"We're good too," Sirius said. "Three is enough."

"We're actually considering adopting," James admitted. "We always wanted more kids, and since we can't have them naturally anymore, we figured it would be best to adopt."

"Have you been looking?" Marlene asked.

"We have," Lily said, a bright smile on her face. "There's a girl in Wales that we're going to visit in a few days."

"Rose, you wanna go on a walk?" Harry asked suddenly, his voice tight. Rose furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him, but she nodded anyways upon seeing the look on his face. Harry helped her out of the room in record time, closing the door a little harsher than needed.

"What's wrong?" Rose asked.

"Nothing," Harry muttered.

"You're lying," Rose said.

"No I'm not," Harry said.

"You are. You mutter when you lie and your left eye twitches," Rose said. "So why are you upset?"

Harry didn't answer for a second, letting out a heavy sigh before sitting down on a bench, Rose next to him.

"I just...I lived my whole life wanting my parents and now I have them and they're gonna give all their attention to another kid," Harry said. "I always just assumed it would be us three for the rest of our lives, and now it might not be."

"You've been giving all your attention to Voldemort, me and now this baby," Rose reminded him. "That's not saying that you're a bad son, but there is more that you could've done to reach out."

"I know," Harry said softly. "None of us did as much as we could."

"And it's not that they're giving their attention away, but it's that they're sharing their attention," Rose said. "My mum and dad still give me lots of attention and they have two kids. They've only seen Seb and Ari at night for the past two weeks because they've been with us the whole time. But they still love me just as much as they did before."

"I just have always been an only sibling and I don't want that to change," Harry said.

"Do you want anyone to ever have to grow up like you did?" Rose asked.

"What? Of course not!" Harry said quickly.

"Your parents could be saving a child from having to deal with that," Rose said. "They'd be giving a child a better, healthier life and they'd be giving a child the best big brother in the whole world."

"I guess you're right," Harry mumbled.

"I usually am," Rose said. Harry smiled lightly and bumped their shoulders together.

"There you two are," Remus said as he walked down the hallway towards them. "Dora has the cookies and the pickles in the room if you want them now."

Rose made grabby hands and Harry chuckled as he helped her stand up.

"Is she trying to escape again?" Annie, the only kind healer, asked.

"Surprisingly Harry was the one to try to escape this time," Remus answered.

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