It's like we're spies

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People stared at us as Boomer continued to push me down the street.

I don't think they recognized us. After so much time away you can't really blame them. I mean we're like a whole four and a half feet tall now.

Seriously though everyone stared with a I think I know you but I don't know from where look on their stupid faces.

Hello we destroyed half the city tenish times. I can't believe all these people don't just move away.

Wait why didn't we go to a city the Powerpuff girls weren't in?

I feel stupid now. I wonder if it would work if we left now? With our luck they'd go on a special trip just to fight us.

We might win. Then what?

"Boomer I can walk stop pushing me."

He stopped pushing me. The waitress lady from before ran out of the restaurant with a knife in her hand. That lady is persistent.

"Here. You left before I could do this." She grabbed his arm and brought the knife close to it.

Seriously how do people not notice this. Time for intervention.

"Oh no don't cut his hand off." I said in a loud cheesy voice.

Boomer stared at me. I made random gestures. His eyes lit up.

"Oh no please don't."

If we wanted to we could let the lady electricute herself, but that would make us look bad. Better to let the crowd panic and the lady freak out. Plus it is slightly funny to take advantage of their stupidness.

Panic the crowd did. The lady panicked too.

I grabbed Boomer's arm.


We ran down the street and around a corner. We ran (literally) into Butch knocking us (and him) to the ground.

Don't you just love family reunions?

Are We The Villains? (PPG Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя