chapter 2

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"So, what do you think of our school so far?" Colton, the tired eyed junior who Holly had English with, sat across from her in the library, leaning on the creaky wooden table. He had shaggy black hair and a scar under his blue eyes. Colton wore heavy, pocket lined jeans and combat boots, and if the weather was cold enough, a jacket that had more pockets than even he knew. His fashion choice made it look like he was perpetually prepared for a spontaneous camping trip to the North Pole.

Like magnets, the pair had been drawn to each other.

The class was supposed to be doing silent reading for the rest of the period, but the two mischievous students had decided to gossip instead.

"Eh," Holly rested her head against her hand, glancing at the teacher who had yet to notice the two talking. "It's kinda boring."

Colton's eyes rolled, "It's just boring because you haven't had me around." Colton had only slightly lowered his voice. A chorus of 'Shhhs' directed at Colton came from the students at the table next to the teens. Colton looked over at them, and if looks could kill, they would have been six feet under. They cowered away, lifting their books to keep reading. As Holly looked back at Colton, she couldn't help but think, what was that all about?

"Met anyone interesting yet?" Colton wiggled his eyebrows.

"No one worth my time -- just Sanaa and Benji," Holly said. Definitely not worth my time.

"You met Benji already? Wait, don't tell me, he tried to hook up," Colton guessed knowingly. When Holly nodded, he let out his characteristically loud laugh, shaking his head. "Yup, that's Benji for you."

Colton leaded into the table a little further, prompting Holly to do the same, "But he's more than just a," Colton's eyes darted around the library, and quietly he said, "whore," then he returned to his own volume, "he's also the most reliable supplier for liqueur, booze, wine, whiskey, any type of remotely alcoholic beverage you can think of."

Holly's lips made an O shape, remembering the flask he had pulled out.

"Damn," Colton leaded back in his chair, crossing his arms behind his head, "he usually gives new kids better deals. You screwed yourself."

"Gee, thanks," Holly said, rolling her eyes.

Colton nodded his head towards something behind Holly, directing her to look. About twenty feet away stood two other students, casually browsing through a shelf of books, idly making conversation.

One had blonde hair and even from a distance, unmistakably red eyes. He was muscular, but not beefy, with a small smirk on his lips. He was dressed in a white, low cut V-neck shirt that showed off his torso.

The other student next to him had looks that were just as striking: strong jawline, dark skin, electric blue eyes. His smile was light, but genuine. Kinder. He was dressed in a light grey shirt, with darker trousers and a trench coat.

They both reeked of wealth and popularity.

"Who are they?" Holly asked, watching as the blue eyed one ran a hand through his hair. Holly wasn't the only one watching the two, though. One glance around the library and it was obvious that they were getting the attention of several of the students, male and female. Who knew country kids could have a fanbase? Holly thought sarcastically.

"The blonde is Kaisus Demetrias the Third," Colton said as Holly thought, could he get a more prestigious name? "The other ones Levi Naudex."

Holly turned back around to face Colton, her eyebrows furrowed, "So what's their deal?"

"Kaisus is running for student body president, Levi's his running mate."

Holly nodded slowly, "So why's that matter?"

Colton placed his hands on the table, pressing his scarred fingers down hard enough that the tips turned white. In a low voice, he said, "Here's the thing: Kaisus and Levi have won the election every year -- even as freshmen." Freshman winning student body president?

Holly scoffed, "And how do you think they did that?" She crossed her arms, sitting back.

"I don't think, I know," Colton said, leaning even further into the table, then using his hand to motion for Holly to come in close. Holly moved in, her blonde locks of hair spilling onto the table, "Every year, their competition either drops out, or disappears."

Holly kept her face passive as she thought through what Colton had said. The competition disappears? She quickly turned and glanced back at the two, and smirked, this school could be more interesting than I thought.

Colton leaned back, stretching his legs under the table. His long limbs hit Holly's legs as he said, "Anyway, I'm just telling you so you don't get attached to Sanaa."

"I wasn't really planning on it," Holly deadpanned.

"So," Colton walked his fingers along the table, "why'd you move here?" Colton smirked up as he saw Holly throw her head back and groan in frustration.

"You're a whore for gossip, y'know that?" Holly said, using her hands to cover her face.

"C'mon, I need to know, everyones talking about it. I won't-" Colton cut himself off when a large shadow was cast over their table. Holly and Colton both turned their blue eyes up at the looming figures.

Kaisus looked down at them, his chin high, while Levi's chin was low, like he was trying to relate to them. Kaisus' ruby eyes traveled from Colton to Holly, and lingered there, like he was trying to figure her out, then moved back to Colton.

"I don't believe we've met yet, I'm Levi," Levi held out his hand, which Holly grasped firmly, giving him a nod.

"Holly," Holly said as she shook his hand.

"Kaisus," Kaisus said, giving her a short, curt handshake. The two students looked at each other, communicating silently. Levi spoke first.

"You may have heard that Kaisus is running to be student body president, and I his vice president," Levi reached into the pocket of his ironed, deep grey trousers, pulling out a sticker. He passed it to Holly, his lips pulled back enough to show his teeth. Kaisus, on the other hand, looked a bit bored by the interaction.

Eyeing the sticker, Holly said, "Thanks," her expression unchanged and unimpressed. She stuffed the sticker into her pocket, not bothering to try and keep it neat. Levi's smile didn't budge as she ruined the sticker given to her.

Kaisus, hands in pockets, said, "I heard a kid at your old school went missing." His tone was sharp, accusatory and threatening.

Holly's lips parted, showing off her dimples as she smiled, "Yeah, funny, I heard the same about students who ran against you." She brought her hands together, intertwining them on her lap, waiting for Kaisus' response.

"Huh, is that what this -" Kaisus started before taking a deep breath, running a hand through his sleek blonde hair. He exhaled slowly, giving Holly a tight smile before taking a step back.

"We can assure you, Holly was it? That our school political rivals are all just fine. Some, more excited students, do like to make rumors, though. You know that, though, given all the rumors going around about you." Levi spoke like he had been dealing with Kaisus for a long time.

"Yeah, sure," Holly rolled her eyes at Levi's little speech.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, we'll be on our way," Levi gave Holly another bright smile, then nodded to Colton, patting him on his back as the two walked away.

Colton turned, watching them retreat, "I can prove their 'political rivals'," Colton did air quotes around political rivals, "aren't 'just fine'."  

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