Alex x John pt 2

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Context: John loved Alex but Alex was dating Eliza. John came out a year ago and told his friends Laf, Herc, Angelica, and Peggy. John dated Peggy before he knew he was gay. (Modern AU, John’s POV. Pt 2)

I got in and buckled up and gave Alex the aux cord and he plugged in his phone and played some bangers! I started driving and singing while tapping my hands on the wheel. I swear Alex kept taking glances at me. Time skip brought to you by Alexander eating a taCo. We got back and we ate our food while watching some random stuff on the TV. I finished up my food and took my wrapper and saw Alex was done as well. He crumpled up his wrapper and gave it to me. I took it and threw it out. "Thank you so much John. " I turned back and sat down. "Not a problem. But you have to sleep soon." I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was around 2:30. "But I'm not tiiiiiiired! " Alex protested and slid down on the couch. "Alex you haven't slept in like 3 days. You have to be tired." I walked back and sat on the couch. "But I swear I'm not tired!!! I don't need to sleep Johnny!! " I laughed. "Nope cmon, you're going to bed! '' I said. I picked him up bridal style and walked to his bed. Despite him thrashing and protesting. I walked into his room and turned on the lights. I threw him on the bed. "But Johnny! I'm not even sleepy!!!!" Alex yelled. "Alexander, you haven't slept in days!! What else could I do to help you sleep? " I had my hands on my hips and I was standing at the end of his bed. I swear I saw him blush lightly. "Uhm...I-...uh. Maybe...stay with me and we can watch movies? I fall asleep easier with noise." My eyes widened a bit and I lightly blushed. "Um that's fine. " I saw Alex smile and he turned on his tv as I turned the lights back off. I went and sat next to him. He laid next to me. He just put on a random horror movie on Netflix. I watched the movie while Alex scooted closer and closer to me. I noticed this and my heart started to beat a little bit faster. He scooted super close and then wrapped his arms around my waist. He snuggled into my side and closed his eyes. I smiled as I started running my fingers through his hair. I saw him smile. I felt my heart flutter. I was happy that he was sleeping. But one thing was at the back of my mind. He might like me back, or he is just really tired and missed Eliza. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and continued watching the movie. It was a shitty slasher movie so it wasn't all that interesting. Alex proved my point a few minutes later when I heard light snoring coming from him. I smiled, I wish this could be every day. I thought. I just thought about all the months I have been through, sitting in my room. It looked dull. It didn't look happy. It was the first week Peggy left and I felt empty. I did hurt her and I was still processing a break up while developing strong feelings toward Alexander. I was laying on my bed, not wanting to eat, drink, or sleep. I was just as much of a mess Alex was now. I just cried and felt numb that entire week. I hadn't talked to anyone and I didn't do much. Until Alex checked on me. He called me one day in a  panic state asking where I've been, if I was okay, if he could do anything. That's when I realized that I needed to get my life together. Me and Peggy were planning on getting a house together but that was before I knew exactly what I wanted. So we lived in an apartment together. A lot of things were gone and my apartment was boring and gross. I did work at a small business, that was a struggle to go to all those days but I finally realized I needed  to get my life back together. So I started taking more showers, eating 3 meals a day, going to the gym, basically taking care of myself. And that's when my mental health got a lot better. That's also the time I got a therapist. I keep in touch with her. She is a sweet gal. I probably will tell her about this. And I'll tell Hercules and Lafayette for obvious reasons. They really do want me to be happy. I'm happy they care so much. I stopped thinking when I felt Alex slightly move. He, if it was even possible, snuggled even closer to me. And then he did the cutest thing, he smiled in his sleep. I stuck out my lip a bit and mouthed the word aw. I saw the movie credits rolling so I just put on another random movie and watched it. Time skip brought to you by John watching the Corpse Bride bc I love that movie. It's been hours. I have watched at least 8 movies. I checked to see the time. It was 10pm. I didn't want to wake Alexander so I tried to do my best at laying down. I slowly shimmied down into a lying position. I got comfortable and I didn't wake him. Success. I put my arm around Alex and closed my eyes as the Corpse Bride played. Time skip because...guys, it's like 7:30 am. I awoke to see Alex still cuddling me and him putting on a show. I was still dazed cause I just opened my eyes. But then I heard a theme song playing. The Victorious theme song. I opened my eyes fully, blinking a few times. I let out a breath and smiled. Trying not to laugh so loud. I saw Alex turn his head to see me. I saw his eyes wide and he quickly turned the tv off. I then laughed. "Good morning Alex. " I said, my voice a bit dry and deep. He got up off of me and sat next to me. "Goodmorning John. " Alex's voice is slightly shaky. Probably from him being embarrassed. "I like that show too. " I said. I saw a rush of relief go over Alexander, as he turned the tv back on and continued the show. We sat and watched a few episodes. Alex did the same thing he did yesterday where he scooted closer and closer to me. I didn't think he wanted me to notice so I just brushed it off. Alex was right next to me at this point, he was practically sitting on my lap. Then I felt him hold my hand. I couldn't help but smile as he did this. He then scooted and rested his head against my shoulder. We watched a few more episodes, basically finishing season 2. Season 3 was going to play but before that, Alex got up and looked at me. "Um do you wanna make breakfast? " I smiled and said "Sure, what do you want? " Alex got up and I followed. I saw him open up cupboards and the fridge. He got out a bowl, pancake mix, eggs, and milk. He also pulled out sausage from the freezer and a pan. I helped him make the pancakes and sausages. We shared some glances, smiles, and small talk. While I was making the pancakes, Alex made the sausage. He waited for them to cook so he wrapped his arms from behind me and put his head on my shoulder. I chuckled and he did something I wasn't expecting, he kissed my cheek. I was blushing a mad shade of red. Alex obviously could see and he smiled. I kept giving him glances. I didn't know if I should kiss him or not. My heart was racing and my palms were getting sweaty. I flipped the pancakes and I saw Alex get plates and forks. I flipped the pancakes one more time and then put them on the plates. We served ourselves and went and sat on the couch. Alex turning on Victorious again. I didn't mind. Slight time skip. I had finished my food and so did Alexander. I took his plate and fork and went to the sink, seeing the pile of dishes. I felt bad so I started doing dishes. "John, what are you doing? " Alex sounded frantic. "I'm just doing dishes. " He got up and walked over to me, I scooted over to the right side of the sink. "I made more than half of this mess, at least let me help." I mean it is his house but I feel bad. "I mean I could do them, it's not that hard." Alex looked sad oddly. "Let me help." He started cleaning his side of the sink and I cleaned my side. We dried the dishes and put them away. I was putting away a cup and I turned around to be millimeters away from Alexander's face. My eyes widened and I felt the tension in my body grow. I was blushing madly as he stared at me. Then he put his hands on the back of my head and neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I was so in shock that my eyes stayed open. Then I relaxed into the kiss putting my hands on his waist. Alex parted from the kiss and we both gave each other a happy smile. "I like you too. " Alex said. I gave him a big hug. I haven't been this happy in months. "So wait, how long have you liked me? " I asked, parting from the hug. "Well when we met, I thought you were so amazing and whenever we hung out I got all happy and giddy. Soon I began to have a crush on you but I didn't know how you would react because you didn't come out yet. I got together with Eliza thinking the feeling would go away but it didn't. " Alex looked down in disappointment. I took my hand and put it under his chin, lifting it up a bit to have him look at me. "I've liked you ever since I've met you. I just didn't know if I would tell you or not. " I saw him smile. "Well when Eliza left, it gave me more and more time to think. And that's when it basically took over my mind. I'm happy you came and helped me John. " My hand was still under his chin and I lightly gripped it and pulled his face towards mine for a kiss. I was so happy that he had shared feelings and I can see things happening. Him telling Eliza everything. Knowing she will be upset, it will be a few days. Hoping that in a few months, Alex and I will be together. It made me smile. I parted from the kiss. I saw some tears starting to form in Alexander's eyes. I grabbed his hand and went to the couch. I had him sit next to me as he let out light sobs. It's very hard for him. He was cuddled into my chest. I rubbed his back and I let him get everything out. I kissed the top of his head, that's when he looked up to me. His eyes are still filled with tears and his nose is stuffed. I gave him a small smile. He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "I'm so lucky to have you by my side. " My smile got bigger. "Alex, you don't know how much of a blessing it is to even see you. You are such an amazing person and I'm lucky to have you in my life. " I saw him have a big smile on his face. "I really do hope one day we do live together. " It's like I couldn't stop smiling. I saw Alex move to grab the remote in front of him, turning back on our show. A few minutes into the show, Alex frantically got up. I looked confused. He ran into his room. I heard shuffling around and he walked back out and his eyes were wide. "What's up? " He had his phone in his hand, I saw him holding up to his head. I'm assuming he missed phone calls and texts from Eliza. He walked over and sat on the couch and I paused the show. It rang about two times and Eliza answered. Basically, she was worried for him because he wasn't responding to her calls or text and Alex explained that he was busy with work when in reality he had a week off and didn't tell her. He told her that he didn't sleep for almost two days and he was a bit of a wreck. I mean he was right about no sleep but the work was a lie. He said that he did invite me over and we hung out. But near the end of the call, I saw the suffering behind his eyes when he said 'I love you too'. He then ended the call, he put his phone on the table and sat right next to me. I put my arm around him while he let out more small sobs. I felt so bad that the man I loved, was in pain and he wasn't happy. I knew I liked him but this proves that I love him. "Hey, soon it will be better. I know right now isn't good and so many things are going through your mind but trust me Alexander, things will be better. " He hummed in response. "It will be so hard to tell Eliza. It will break her. " I knew that feeling all too well. "Well if I'm being honest, if you don't tell her soon it will get bad because you will be faking the love for her and that will hurt a lot more than telling her how you really feel. " I saw him nod.
(A/n: There will be more parts. Some one shots are long but not long enough for a whole story)

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