The Morning

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         By the time Simon awoke, Baz was gone. This wasn't odd, but considering the night Simon had...he wanted to speak with him. In true Simon Snow fashion, he didn't know what he would say but he had to say something. He pulled out the little leather book that had caused this great clusterfuck. Maybe he should have actually read what the spell is meant to do.

        A dream is a wish your heart makes' allows the caster to see their target's greatest desire in the form of a dream. It is important to remember while using this particular incantation that the person that has been inchanted will also see this dream...

        The spell description went and it definitely would have been helpful to know all of that before Simon had cast the spell. Of course, he didn't. Simon's mind was racing a thousand miles a minute. He didn't like to think, but he couldn't help it now. The book had said the dream would be the target's greatest desire, but that didn't make any sense. Baz had made his disdain quite clear to Simon since their first year...only getting worse as time crept on. Why would a cozy apartment, being cozy with him, be Baz's greatest desire. His mind was filled with static, wrapped up in his dizzying thoughts he seared his sheets. He left two dark hand marks on his sheets. He had to pull himself together. He refused to go off because he was confused. He was going to have to ask Penelope to help him, he doubted she would help but maybe she would sense how desperate he was.

        Simon found Penelope in the Great Hall. He slammed the book onto the table.
        "Help me.". She jolted back and stared at her friend.
        "I know you told me to stop, Penny, but I couldn't. Now I am even more confused and I need your help.", his eyes were wide and pleading.
        "What did you do, Si?", Penny sighed. Simon thought about the best way to tell her what he has done. Or what he saw. He told her about the spell, stopping when she rightfully yelled at him, he fired back with all the times she had done something less than safe in a quest to quench her curiosity. He had to think about whether to tell Penny about exactly what he saw but decided against it, it felt a little too private.
        "The spell shows the person's greatest desire, I was being nice to him, Pen. Why would that be his greatest desire? It doesn't make any sense."
        "Hear me out, Simon...maybe Baz doesn't want to fight with you." Simon let out a strange noise.
        "But it's his GREATEST DESIRE. Why not the Mage losing the war or-or I don't know! Anything else!"
        "I guess that is quite strange...", Simon knew it would change the conversation if he brought up the whole cuddling and 'Love' situation, but honestly he really just couldn't wrap his head around it.

        "Simon, I have an idea.", Penelope started, "Why don't you try being nice to Baz?". Simon made a strang noise of indignation.        "He's been nothing but an absolute twat since I met him and he's just gotten WORSE! He pushed me down a flight of stairs!"        "Just try it! Just see how he reacts. If you stop fighting, I will stop hearing about everything Basilton Pitch does.", Simon begrudgingly decides to test it out. He just wants some answers and he trusts Penny. From now on, Simon Snow will be cordial to his evil vampire roommate.


       Baz woke up way too early and got ready immediately. It was nice to get a break from the violent images that plagued him at night, but what replaced it was almost as torturous. He had suppressed all dreams of domestic Snow at the age of 13. That's when he realized this would end with a final fight, a fight that would end with Simon Snow killing him. He resigned himself to watching him sleep at night, that was the closest he would get. But now he knew what a domestic life with Simon Snow looked like. A rough "Mornin'" and a soft kiss on his neck. It was all he wanted and what he would never get.

Note: Hi everyone! I am very much still alive and I am so sorry for not updating. I really just ran out of ideas and I have found the thread and am ready to continue!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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