Someone Notices

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        "Penny, You don't understand! I heard what I heard!", Simon whined at his friend. 

        "I think I understand well enough, Simon! What actions had Baz actively taken against you this year?".

The night air coming through the window, that Baz inevitably would shut, was cool. Simon couldn't sleep, not after what he heard. He was used to watching Baz, evil vampire roommate and all, but tonight was different. Baz was twitching slightly like he always does when he has his nightmares, but tonight...he was speaking. 

        "Simon.", Baz whispered, actually it was more of a whimper. That woke Simon right the fuck up. Now he's plotting in his sleep!

        This brings us to the present, where Simon Snow is yelling about his vampire roommate to Penelope Bunce. 

"Simon I don't know what to tell you! Baz was asleep! He wasn't plotting, you say Baz always has nightmare?"

"Yeah, long as I can remember.", Simon has been watching Baz sleep for as long as he can remember. He tells himself (and Penelope) that it is for vampire reasons, but really Simon found something serene in watching his slumbering roommate, something...almost...he didn't really know. His scowl melted into something very soft. He thought about what images would be going through Baz's head to disturb such a sight. 

        "What if...", on that note, Simon jumped up. There had to be a spell for this! Simon knew that a spell of this sort, or any spell for that matter, would be in the library. He had to rip out a page from Baz's book and get into the Mage's office.

        Quietly slinking his way up the stairs to his mentor office, Simon thought about Natasha Pitch's old books sitting on the shelves. The Mage has never spent enough time inside the office to feel the need to remove them. He slipped into the office and searched the shelves. He came across a small, worn leather-bound book, it read Raphael's Book of Dreams in cracked green ink. Simon skimmed it quickly for anything that even remotely resembled a spell. Admittedly, he wasn't looking as close as he should. He settled on 'A dream is a wish your heart makes'. He would just need to quietly cast it on Baz when he's asleep. He took the book back to Mummer's House.

        Baz finally made his way to the dorm at a little past 10. Simon pretended to be asleep and got ready for his plan. Baz got into his bed and seemed to fall asleep instantly. 


        Baz never falls asleep quickly, but the constant nightmares every night have got him exhausted. He has become resigned to the endless nightmares, never fully getting any rest. But tonight, the endless nightmares didn't come...

        Baz woke up and found himself in a different room. Alarmed, as anyone would be when waking up in an unfamiliar room, he sat up quickly...or at least tried to. Something held him down, someone held him down. He looked down to find a freckled arm coiled around waist, keeping him in place. That was frightening enough until his eyes trailed up to the body the arm belonged to. "Nononononononononononononononononononononono-


        -nonononononononononononono!" Simon couldn't see his body when he looked down, but he could see his body across the room spooning his vampire nemesis.  Quite a fucking shock. Maybe he should have read the fine print.


Hi everyone! This chapter is also kind of short...sorry about that, friends. More interesting things to come ;)


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