Sleeping softly.

We had already picked names for her.

Baby boy and girl names.

Theo had a book full of unique names that made me even go shocked.

We decided on few names from the book.

If it's a girl the girls name should be bria west.

If it's a baby boy the name was brian west.

"Her name is bria west sweetheart." Theo shined. His face rose up with excitement.

His first child.

A baby.

A baby who is gonna call him a father.

I nodded.

Theo thanking the doctors and giving them money they left welcoming us.

Bria west officially comeing to the world.

Welcome to earth bria west.

I chuckled.

Due to my worn out state I was tired.

I refused to sleep.

Playing with the baby and caressing her theo took her away from my hands and suggested that i sleep and take rest for my well being.

That's officially ruined by theo walcott.

Glaring at him and shakingbmy head i hopped on the bed. After a few warnings from theo I finally gave up my assault and shoved myself onto the bed.

Laying down on the side on the bed.

The tiredness took over my body as I kept my strength to not sleep.

Mean while theo stood at the other side taking the baby in his hands.

Hearing the sound of a kiss I smiled.

Someone excited of being a father.

My eye half closing as theo pressed a kiss and said ily to me. Telling me goodnight.

"Hey baby! I'm so excited that you came here. I can't wait to spoil you. Ruin you. Give you everything. Your our little family. Our little angel. Baby. Our daughter. We will do everything you say and well give you love like no body ever has. Give you kisses. A little family. I love it. We should also annoy mommy some days . I can't wait babygirl. I cant wait."

I smiled.


That paragraph was fire.

I cant wait for her to grow up.

Being in a family.

It's something you all wont imagine.

Being called a mom makes me feel special.

Oh my god.

I cant wait.

But I need to . I have to.

You can do it brooke you can do it.

Your a mother.

My breasts fell extra heavy.


I'm gonna need to do something about it.

Theo was amazing.

I still can't belive I'm with him

It feels like a dream.

As much as I want to belive this.

Infact I hope I never wake up form this dream ever again.

With theo everything was perfect.






He made me feel special. Amazing.

He was everything  a girlfriend want and that's on period.

Imagine if I didnt wnat him.

I wonder hwo life would be.

I'm so glad the first day that I almost got kidnapped.

"I love theo."

"So fucking much."

He is mine.

All mine.

That's man is ready to bow down at me anywhere any time.

He was my love.

He is mine.

All mine.


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