Chapter 02: Shim Changmin

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She knew his name, that tall, slim and unmistakably handsome guy two seats to her left. He always had this dark look on his face, his brows creased and his aura was definitely projecting a 'come-near-me-if-you-dare' feel. But Berna couldn't help it. He's exactly her type. He's so adorable in his own grumpy, brooding way.

He's Shim Changmin, one of the few high profile patrons of the bar, Absinthe. She knew he comes three times a week and orders a different drink every time. Truth be told, she's always fascinated with the drinks he orders. Absinthe features drinks with names that will make a girl like Berna giggle. Dirty names. And he always pick out the ones that even an experienced bartender like the one manning the bar would have a hard time saying. Not without blushing or grinning.

"A Screaming Orgasm for you." the bartender smiled a wide smile at Changmin, who graciously accepted his drink along with a nod. Berna stifled a giggle.

But he heard her, and in a flash, he was looking at her with those lovely pair of hooded, hazel eyes. Berna smiled and waved her hand, flashing her wrist. Changmin didn't look away, but Berna saw the exact moment he closed his eyes. It was the same time she flashed her wrist full on. He couldn't have missed seeing it, unless he closed his eyes, which he did.


The clock on her wrist reads 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes, 29 seconds.

How long does Changmin have?

Was he like her? Waiting for the countdown to finish? Waiting?

"Another shot please." Changmin raised his empty glass and the bartender slid a new shot towards him. Berna intercepted the glass and downed the contents in a flash, eyes still glued on Changmin. He took one look at her glass and asked her something that made her laugh out loud.

"Pop My Cherry?"

Berna knew it was the name of the drink, but still it was so entertaining to see his expression when he said it. His face was stoic, you wouldn't think what he said didn't have a lewd meaning. So precious.

"Sure. If it still hasn't been popped." Berna shook her head, checking her wrist for the time. It read 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes, 16 seconds.

"What's so funny?" his brows creased once again and Berna waved at the bartender, signaling for a new drink.

"Red Balls." she said

"Royal Fuck." he said.

It was not the best place to be, but Berna decided she'd stay inside the almost empty pub just as the clock on her wrist counts down to nothing. She could always get wasted when everything's on 0 and she didn't like what she sees.

"You sure you're up for another round?" Changmin asked, a hand fiddling with his glass as the other tapped the tabletop in a steady rhythm. He sounded bored, but Berna saw him flick a look on his wrist.

He was waiting like her.

"Why?" Berna raised an eyebrow. "Thinking of doing something with me? You did tell me to pop your cherry." The clock on her wrist read 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, 5 seconds.

"Your face is red." Changmin gestured for her face, which immediately felt hot.

"What? Never seen a beautiful girl with a flushed face before?" Berna turned her body towards him.

A corner of Changmin's mouth lifted as he shook his head, bringing his drink closer to his mouth and taking a sip.

Maybe she was drunk, because Berna didn't really care if the clock on her wrist read 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes, 31 seconds. All Berna could think of is the way his long fingers grip his glass, the way his Adam's apple move, up and down, up and down, as he gulped his drink down his long, smooth, toned throat.

God, he looked so hot.

Berna knew she was staring. No, more like she was gaping. If she wasn't starting to feel warm and her head wasn't starting to feel like it was being slowly stuffed with cotton, she'd probably jump him. But then maybe he felt his side profile wasn't enough for Berna to drool on, so with a flick of his wrist, he popped his collar open, slid the tie off and tucked it on his breast pocket, before he turned sideways, his body facing hers.

"I think I need a Slow, Comfortable Screw." Berna blinked, half heartedly waving at the bartender. She saw him smile at the corner of her eye before shaking his head. She didn't know if she was referring to the drink or something else. Most probably something else.

She can feel his eyes roaming, taking in the detail of her face. It was as if he was physically touching her, like his fingers were trailing gentle touches at the contour of her mouth, the dip and rise of her cheeks, the softness of her eyelashes. And then he flicked his wrist up, the thin strip with numbers flashing in front of him.

"Would you mind if I take you up on your suggestion? I think I need a Slow, Comfortable Screw of my own." Then he turned his hand and showed her his wrist.

The time read 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes 0 seconds. This time it was his turn to raise an eyebrow.

Berna raised her wrist to check on her time. And then she smiled and turned her arm towards him the same way he did earlier.

Changmin slid off his seat and walked towards her with unbelievable grace, savoring each step as Berna bit her lower lip.

Her clock read 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes 0 seconds.


Note: in case you're wondering where the drink names came from:

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