Authors Note

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Hello everyone! I am back and better than ever!

I am happy to introduce my Best Friend For Life, Beth, who I got into The Mighty Ducks. I am happy to continue sharing my stories with her and talk about this fandom with her because I have LOTS AND LOTS to talk about.

not only am I here to introduce my Best Friend For Life, but I am also here to introduce my Instagram group chat girls, dedicated to the man himself, Adam Banks our Vinnie LaRusso. These girls are like my family and that is why I added them into my story. They are all wonderful, amazing, beautiful, smart, funny, kind, girls. They make me laugh, cry, and love TMD every single day and I would never trade anything in the world to meet them.

This book was much longer than I expected 81,381 words and 740 pages long. With every joy, heartbreak, and frustration with this book, I absolutely loved it. I don't know if better than the first but definitely a book I loved writing.

Not only is this book something I enjoyed writing, but I also enjoyed my support and love that I have been getting from Speechless. I have already gotten over 1.15k reads on Wattpad and I hope to keep growing.

When I started this book, I wanted to show the Ducks, not kids anymore. Teenagers, growing young teenagers. I changed Vicki too. I wanted to portray her blossoming from a young lady to a beautiful teenager like how I was. Quirky, spunky, trying to find her place in a group of boys, and trying to rank her self just as high as the men in this story.

Vicki and Adam's relationship I wanted to be up and down like a rollercoaster and I wanted Vicki to have to decide on whether she loved Adam Banks, Gunnar Stahl, or Olaf Sanderson.

Some of you might be thinking like why in the hell would I add the villains as the other love interests of Vicki. I wanted it to be like that because I ABSOLUTELY am in love with Gunnar Stahl aka Scott Whyte, he is my second favorite actor from TMD next to Vinnie who will always be my number one, and Olaf Sanderson aka Kai Lennox. Yes, I get it, Adam, Gunnar, and Olaf could all be my dad but I wanted to show and shed a different light on Gunnar and Olaf.

This light I am talking about is their outside personality off the ice. These are NOT Icelandic Drago from Rocky 4 villains, they are real people with feelings. It was very difficult to come up with a whole new other personality for these two characters and I had a lot of help from Lana, which I thank 100% for her help.

Gunnar I wanted to be more of the softie, kinda shy, cute boy, of the Iceland team. I wanted him to have a personality that actually FIT Scott Whyte. Scott loves Indiana Jones and he actually dressed up like Indiana Jones, which you can find on his Instagram page @thescottwhyte. I actually took some of the real-life personality and put him into Gunnar's second personality.

Olaf I wanted to be the bruiting, bad boy but a softie. I wanted him to be like the hot and heavy type guy because he gave off those vibes by how he was acting on ice. I don't know how or why he gave off those vibes but that is how I wrote him. Olaf, I find very attractive too. The eyes, the hair, the bruiting muscle on the ice, extreme height, and seductively hot chuckle you hear throughout the movie. Even though, yes, he did hurt Adam, I wanted to have a purpose behind that. He injured Adam because Stansson puts so much force and pressure on his players. Olaf got mad and hurt Adam because he knew Stansson was going to be mad at them, hence why he hurt Adam, to let his emotions and rage flood out.

Not trying to go back to Scott Whyte, but it was pretty awkward and interesting to come back to write halfway through the book. I say that because recently I did fan art over on my Instagram account, @cakesie.banksie, and got recognized by him. I thanked him for recognizing my art and in return he thanked me for reaching out and sent me a tee-shirt which I put over on Speechless, I put more details over there too, but I also received two signed trading cards from him of Gunnar Stahl and on the back showing all the info about him. When I asked Scott about the cards, he said he made these himself. So the birthdate, height, weight, is all real info about Scott and the biography about Gunnar is something he researched and wrote about, giving me another puzzle piece to work with because we don't really know too much about Gunnar. On the other hand with Olaf, I made up something that I thought would be accurate to where he would come from.

I left a few Easter Eggs and hints about me in this book. If you know me well enough or you're quick enough to catch them, these all might come as a surprise.

For now, Vicki, Adam, Charlie, Coach Bombay, and the Ducks will be returning in D3 being titled 'Figure 8'. Figure 8 I have a feeling will be a bit longer too and more emotional than Speechless and Champions.

I hope to see all of you, my fellow followers, Banksy Babes, and friends, in Figure 8.

Remember to always remember your home with the Ducks and come back to each other, no matter how far apart you are.

Go Ducks! 🦆

And Go Íceland! 🇮🇸

Love you all so much and now I will be taking some MORE well deserved time off to think and rest, but for now, go and read other Banksie books like Forbidden and Foster by bohemianharrington, The Last Dance by jvo 123jvo, TMD Preferences by 80s90swriting, The Mighty Ducks preferences by 80s90saesthetic, and Adam Banks imagines by maddy3314 on Wattpad. 


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