Chapter 19

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Today was the day of the big game. The Junior Goodwill Association held the showdown earlier in the day. At breakfast, everyone was full of chatter, except for me. As every final showdown went, my anxiety was through the roof. All I did was stare at my breakfast. Connie and Julie tried to encourage me to eat something before the game but Coach came up to me.

"Hey, Vic." He placed a hand pn my shoulder, smiling down at me. When he saw my face, his dropped. "Are you ok?"

"Ya." I nodded.

"No, she isn't, she's a nervous wreck," Julie spoke out.

"She won't even touch her food." Connie frowned coming over, rubbing circles on my back before Julie got up and bent down to look at me.

"Well besides from you not eating Vicki, I was wondering if go you could stay here with Adam since he's still in bed and can't play."

"Ya, I'll stay with him." I nodded, picking up my breakfast that was on a tray, walking away without another word.

Carefully, I took the tray up the stairs to Adam and Charlie's shared room, gently pressing the tray against the door allowing myself to grab the doorknob easier to open it slowly.

Adam was all sprawled out in his bed, the sheets were all mangled around his body while he laid on his stomach. I was so tempted to crawl in bed with him and just lay with him. He looked so cozy. His bed looked so warm.

Smiling, I walked over quietly, on my toes, placing the tray on the desk nearby before taking the chair from the desk, putting it next to his bed.

Adam had his left arm and leg dangling off the side of his bed while his right was under his pillow as he laid on his stomach. Rolling my eyes, walking to the left side of his bed, I picked up his one leg and arm, putting it back on the bed before untangling the sheets from his body, smoothing it out neatly.

Adam the started stirring in his sleep, he flipped over on his side, fixing himself so that he was facing me.

"Banksie, what are ya ever doing to me," I mumbled to myself, clicking my tongue and shaking my head. Then a cold shiver went down my spine, making my body move in all sorts of directions. "Fuck it." I once again mumbled to myself.

Reaching down to the hem of my white sleeveless Lacoste dress, I pulled it all the way up, stripping myself before taking off my matching white shoes, discarding them on the floor before I rummaged around some of Adam's suitcases before I found his old Ducks jersey, slipping it over my body, and carefully slipping under the covers with Adam. Pulling the covers up to my face, I moved closer to Adam, playing with his hair as he slept.

When his eyes fluttered open, my lips curled at the corners, "Hey Cakesie," My voice was soft while his eyes dilated to my face. "I brought you breakfast and I got a little cold."

"Where's everyone?" He picked himself up and looked to find Charlie sleeping in his bed, only to be empty.

I huffed slightly, also picking myself up and rubbing his shoulder, "They left to go to the game. Coach wanted me to stay here with you." I then kissed where his face met with his ear.

"This doesn't change anything." He said lowly, getting out of bed, avoiding looking at me.

I caught his arm, forcing him to look at me, "Adam, this has nothing to do with Gunnar or Olaf."

"Well, why don't ya go sleep with them instead." He stabbed, making my heartbreak slightly. He fixed his grey sweatpants on himself, walking over to the desk where his breakfast was waiting for him.

𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑦 𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 - 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 - 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt