Chapter 30

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Time skip

It was finally Friday. The work week had been long and Billy and you took the day off since you had a doctor's appointment. Billy had been working at your dads shop for a week now. He was catching on quickly with the help of you and your dad teaching him. He had called the pool to tell them he quit. They told him to return his work uniform so you took it upon yourself to return it so Billy didn't have to return back to the pool.

Billy and you were sitting in the waiting room waiting for them to call your name to go back. Billy placed his hand on your thigh to try to keep your leg from bouncing. You were nervous. Doctors offices always gave you bad anxiety. The two of you had only been in the waiting room for maybe fifteen minutes but to you it felt like hours.

"Ms. (Y/L/N) the doctor will see you now." Said the nurse smiling at you. Billy and you made it to the doorway where the nurse previously stood. You took a deep breath before walking through the threshold. "Im going to have you stand on the scale for me so I can write down your weight." Said the nurse. You slipped your shoes off and stood on the scale. The nurse wrote the weight down and you stepped off the scale and put your shoes back on. "We are going to head to room 5 down at the end of the hall." Said the nurse. Billy held onto your hand and gently squeezed it to try to relax you. As the two of you made it to the room the nurse instructed you to have a seat on the examination table. You took a seat well the nurse checked your heart rate and blood pressure. She jotted the information down on your chart. "The doctor will be in shortly." Said the nurse before leaving the room. Quietly closing the door behind her.

Billy stood up from the chair he was sitting in and walked over to you. He put his hand on the back of your neck and pulled your head close to his chest. "Just focus on my heart beat princess." Whispered Billy. As you focused on his heart beat your breathing became more calm.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. You stood straight back up and Billy walked back over to his chair as the doctor came into the room. The doctor walked over to Billy and shook his hand.  They both introduced their selves. Then the doctor walked over to you and shook your hand. "So what brings you in today (Y/N)." Asked Dr. Smith as he sat down to look at your chart. "Well Dr. Smith, I took a few pregnancy tests and i am pregnant." You said. "Well, we will have to do some routine blood and urine tests. We will also have to do a breast and pelvic exam as well." Said Dr. Smith. You nodded your head. Billy scooted his chair over closer to you to hold your hand the entire time to comfort you.

When the doctor began the blood work test you had to look away from the needle and you squeezed Billys hand tight. Once that was done you loosened your grip on Billys hand.

"Im going to step out to give you a moment to get into the gown. Then we will begin the pelvic and breast exam. We will also do the ultrasound. " Said Dr. Smith. He walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

As you began to get undressed Billy looked at you with lust filled eyes. You began to see his buldge get more prominent. "Not the time baby." You said giving him a kiss on the lips. He pulled you close to him. Wrapping his arms around your waist. "I know princess but I just can't help myself." Said Billy smirking. Billy finally let you go so you could get the gown on.

Soon after Dr. Smith knocked on the door and came back inside. You were now laying on the examination table. He did the pelvic and breast exam. He was about to do the ultrasound. Before he put the gel on your stomach he warned you it would be cold and he wasn't wrong. As soon as he put the gel on you, you shivered. Soon your baby was on the monitor. Billy stood up out of the chair he was in. He squeezed your hand as he looked closely at the monitor. His eyes began to get glossy from the tears forming in his eyes. They were not tears of sadness, but instead tears of joy and happiness. "That's our little angel." Said Billy as he wiped the tears. Dr. Smith also let you hear the heart beat of your baby as well and more tears began to fall from both of your eyes.

Fighting for Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora