Chapter 21

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You couldnt believe what you saw. You knew it couldnt be true. You wiped away your tears and stood back up. You knew the tears didnt help Billy or anything else that was going on. You had to come with a game plan, but what? You needed help.

You walked out of the locker room and headed back outside the gym. "Shit." You mumbled to yourself. You forgot your car was all the way back at the pool.

You took off running down the road until you ended up back at the pool. You looked around for the truck to see if Billy might have come back. No sign of the truck or Billy. Good.

You got back in your car and drove back to the cabin. As you pulled into the driveway of the cabin. You noticed the rest of the kids bikes were there. The girls called in the reinforcements. Good we're going to need it.

You opened the door and was immediately charged at by the party. "Woah woah slow down kids it's just me." You said. "How do we know it's really you?" Mike asked. Typical Mike. "Seriously?" Max asked as she smacked him upside the head causing you to chuckle.

Max and El ran over to you and wrapped their arms around you first. Then the rest of the party did the same. "So is it true?" Lucas asked. "Seriously now isnt the time. We have more important stuff to worry about." Said Will. "This is important if the kid is part mindflayer." Said Lucas. "Yes its true." You sighed. "Where did you go?" Asked Max. "I went to find Steve but I cant find him anywhere. He isnt at home or at work. Then're going to think I'm crazy but I could hear Billy's voice inside my head almost like he was calling for me to see him. I went to the pool and found him there. Somehow I wasnt in control of my body around him and began to follow him. Long story short I was able to bring Billy back for a minute and I know where the mindflayer is but with Billy still being the host. I cant kill the mindflayer, not yet. I want to get that son of a bitch out of my boyfriend and then destroy it." You said balling your hands up into fists. All the kids nodded in agreement. "What do we have to lose. Can you get Billy back to himself long enough for us to draw it out of him?" Max asked. "Hes getting stronger. It's getting harder for me to bring my Billy back, but I will try." You sighed. "He likes it cold. Isnt there a sauna in the boys locker room?" Will asked. "Yeah there is." Said Mike. You told Billy to stay away from the sauna. Shit.

"Alright go to the pool and get everything ready at the sauna. I'll try to get Billy there." You said. "But what if hes still controlling you?" Max asked. "I dont think he is. I havent been able to hear him call for me since I brought my Billy back for a minute." You told her. You all left the cabin. The kids headed to the pool and you headed to find Billy.

You grabbed your walkie talkie out of the back seat of your car and turned it on so you could keep in contact with the kids. You decided to drive back to Brimborn Steel Works first to see if Billy was there. He was. It was almost as if he was waiting on you to return to him. As you got out of your car and shut the door Billy called for you. "Theres my queen." Said Billy walking towards you. "Yes my king." You said. He slung his arm around you. You missed his touch. "The master has been waiting for us." Said Billy. He doesnt realize you have control of your body again.

The two of you head back down to the basement of Brimborn Steel works. Once you make it back down to the basement you are standing in front of the mindflayer once again. Suddenly a flash of images run through your head. He wants El. He wants to kill her because she closes the gate the last time. You tried to keep a straight face and not cry because if you cried then they know that they no longer have you in their control. You wondered how the mindflayer couldnt figure out you werent in his control then it hit you. This child growing inside of you. Because its part mindflayer.

"I have to go back to work. Stay here." Said Billy. You nodded your head. He went back up the steps and headed back to the pool well you were forced to stay with the mindflayer. Another wave of nausea hit you and you stood up to puke. Once you were done puking the mindflayer stuck his tentacle like arm out towards your stomach again. You froze in fear as you were unsure as to what the mindflayer was doing.

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