Chapter 23

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You quickly run to the trunk of your car as Nancy and Johnathan follow you. You open up the trunk of your car handing the ammo cases to Johnathan and the shot guns to Nancy. You quickly close the trunk of your car and head to the passenger seat to grab your hand gun. You decide to put the hand gun in the back of your shorts so the trigger and handle are sticking out.

Before you run back inside you notice an axe that Hopper had left in a tree stump. You decide to grab the axe as it may prove to be useful. You get back inside. "(Y/N) you need to get out of here. It's not safe for you or the baby." Said Nancy worriedly. "I'm not leaving! I'm staying to fight. I have the biggest grudge against that piece of shit out there then the rest of you." You growled. Nancy quickly backed off because she knew you were stubborn. Everyone else looked at you nervously not knowing if you were going to snap at them too. Truth be told you werent even sure. "I'm sorry Nance. I just...I cant sit around and watch everyone else fight the Mindflayer. I need to save him." You sighed. She nodded her head in understanding.

"Are the guns loaded?" Nancy asked changing the subject. "Yes." You said as Nancy tossed you one of the guns. You handed Johnathan the axe since he didnt know how to use a gun very well.

Nancy, El, and you stood guard well everyone else began to board up the windows and doors of Hopper's cabin so then the mindflayer couldnt get in. Once the cabin was boarded up everyone gathered in the center of the living room.

The lamps and the dishes began to rattle and the lights began to flicker. "It's close." Said Will shakily. Then suddenly it went eerily quiet. "Where'd it go?" Asked Max.

Suddenly the Mindflayer launched a tentacle threw the window that was boarded up towards El. Johnathan began to swing the axe down on the tentacle repeatedly until the mindflayer  swung at Johnathan knocking him towards the wall on the other side of the room dropping the axe. Nancy and you began to fire the shot guns at the tentacle. Nancy and you ran out of shells as the tentacle began to move towards the both of you. El used her powers to hold the tentacle in place and ripped part of it off. The tentacle retreated back out of the window. "Holy shit." Said Max who was standing next to the window.

Two more tentacles came into the cabin  towards El. She used her powers once again to hold them back. With a scream she was able to rip part of both tentacles off again.

Suddenly the mindflayer ripped through the ceiling and shot a tentacle out of its mouth towards El's leg. It got her leg and began to pull her up towards him. Everyone but Nancy and you held onto El to try to hold her down. Nancy and you quickly reloaded the guns. "Nancy, (Y/N), shoot it!" Yelled Johnathan. The two of you began to fire on the mindflayer. Lucas let go of El to grab the axe behind him. He jumped up on the table and used all of his strength to cut the tentacle in half well Nancy and you continued to fire upon the mindflayer.

The mindflayer dropped El and she fell onto Mike. "El, are you ok?" Mike asked worriedly. She nodded her head. She still had part of the tentacle attached to her leg. Mike rips it off of her as El let's out a blood curdling scream.

The mindflayer sticks his head through the opening on the roof and El cautiously stands up and uses all of her energy to rip the mindflayer to pieces.

"Go, go go." Screams Nancy. "Hurry up, come on." Yells Johnathan. Mike and Max help El to Nancy's moms station wagon. "Drive! Drive!" Screamed Mike. "Go Nance!" You yell. You notice as you pull away the mindflayer trying to heal itself. "Shit." You mumbled under your breath.

Nancy pulls into a grocery store so El could get her leg taken care of. You grab a nice size rock and throw it at the glass causing it to shatter. Mike and Max help El into the store.  Nancy and you head to the first aid aisle. "Ok get her down." Said Nancy as you continued to grab the supplies off the shelf.

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