"Know your name!" Averman finished a famous Goonies line, making the two of us laugh.

"Go get dressed, Cake." I playfully shoved him towards the doorway so he could go get changed.

When everyone got back downstairs, we unrolled our sleeping bags and Adam turned off all the lights in the house before the living room lights. Connie and I slept next to each other but Adam and I were on opposite ends of the room, facing each other.

The next time I woke up, it was pitch black in the house. Everyone was asleep except for one person I heard get up out of their sleeping bag. Turning on my side quietly, I saw Adam get up out of his bag, stripping and discarding his shirt before ruffling his hair and walking out of the living room. Adam must have been going upstairs because I heard the wood on the stairs creak. I decided to get up and follow him upstairs. My hands glided on the wooden railing up to the second floor where Adam was nowhere in sight, so I wandered the upstairs before I saw a light coming from inside a room.

I stopped in the doorway of a bedroom, Adam's bedroom. Hockey was plastered all over the walls. Posters, North Stars memorabilia, newspaper clippings about the Ducks, and clippings about Coach Bombay when he played with The Waves, and a person who looked strikingly similar to Adam in lots of pictures and clippings.

Adam was laying on his bed which was on the right side of his room. There was a pushed up portion of the wall as his closet before it went back to two windows, old metal radiators covered by a protector all the way across the same length as the windows before stopping near a dresser where there was another window on the back wall with a desk and chair.

I was leaning on the door frame before tapping, making his head perk up and look towards me, "Hey," I gave him a light smile before stepping inside his room. "Can't sleep?"

"Nah, not one bit." Adam sat up from his bed, kicking his feet over the side.

"Need some company?"

I sat down next to Adam on his bed, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind some." He then fixed himself and laid back with me crawling on top of him.

Chuckling, I fixed some strands of hair back to its original place, "So Cakesie, why couldn't you sleep?" I replied in my baby voice.

Adam smiled, snapping his head back laughing before his lips curled, "I really dunno, but I also wanted to give you something." Adam then got up off the bed, leaving me on my side with my head propped up in my hand.

"Adam! You don't have to give me any more gifts!" I chuckled, fixing my nightgown showing my cleavage.

"No, this was another part of your birthday gift from me," Adam walked over to his dresser and rummaged around the top drawer and pulled out a long neatly wrapped box with a curly sparkly bow on the top. "I just didn't want to give it to you in front of the team." Adam then came over and sat back down with me, handing me the box.

Giggling, and slightly bouncing as I fixed myself, I took the box and ripping the wrapping paper off of the box to reveal small square boxes stacked on top of each other.

"Adam. Cakesie," I groaned out of happiness. "You shouldn't have bought me more jewelry."

I opened the first box to reveal a sterling silver bracelet with a skate charm and a Team USA tag on it, making me gasp.

"Don't gasp just yet, keep going." He smirked.

The next box held another sterling silver bracelet with the Team USA logo charm. The third box held another silver bracelet with two crossed sticks and a puck in the middle. The fourth was another crossed stick charm with the puck and a goalie helmet and goal in the middle of this circle and light blue and navy geometric shapes circling it. The fifth was a silver snowflake with red, white, and blue on the inside. The sixth was the Olympic torch with red, white, and blue circling it. The seventh was a USA charm with the Olympics logo. The last one has the American flag and the Olympics logo saying United States Olympic team.

Taking out all the sterling silver bracelets and laying them out on the bed in line, I examined each of them before throwing myself at Adam, a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Thank you, Adam," I sniffed as Adam embraced me. "I love ya so much." We then brought our lips together in a happy wet kiss. My tears wiped on his cheeks while our lips were stationary.

"I would do anything for my girlfriend," Adam spoke into the kiss, then breaking away. "Even if it means spoiling her."

Rolling my eyes, I then put my 8 bracelets back in their designated boxes before setting them on the nightstand nearby and crashing my lips on Adam's, pushing him back on to the bed so I was on top. As we moved in sync together, I felt myself become tired. Breaking away, letting out faint huffs as our foreheads touched. I moved my body down on his so my head was on his bare chest and his hand was holding up the bottom of my one thigh as I laid in between his legs before I fell asleep to the calming sounds of his breath and heartbeat.

The next morning after everyone left Adam's house, I was the last to leave, and Juliet brought in the mail from the mailbox. Adam and I were in the living room playing the Nintendo when she called for Adam and Phil, saying it was very important.

The three of us all met up in the office space in the house where Juliet held up a manila envelope coming from a prep school named Eden Hall Academy.

Juliet opened the letter with a nearby letter opener, taking out the letter, reading it aloud.

"Dear Adam Banks, we are happy to notice your skills in The Junior Goodwill Games and would like to inform you have been accepted at Eden Hall Academy as a Warrior under a full scholarship. Inside the envelope is also the scholarship contract for Adam Banks!" Juliet screamed which made all of us scream and embrace Adam in a group hug. "Adam! We're so proud of you!"

"Cakesie! I'm so happy for ya babe!" I cupped his cheeks before planting kisses all over his face as he laughed and begged for me to stop.

Not only did Adam receive a scholarship to the Eden Hall Academy, everyone from the Ducks received one as well.

The new school year as a freshman in high school we will be starting at a prep school under a full hockey scholarship. The Ducks won the state championship of 1992 against the Hawks and won the gold against the Vikings of Iceland, what could go wrong? The real question I asked myself at that moment I saw my scholarship was what could all go right?

 The Ducks won the state championship of 1992 against the Hawks and won the gold against the Vikings of Iceland, what could go wrong? The real question I asked myself at that moment I saw my scholarship was what could all go right?

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