you make me feel the feels, right where it hurts <3 (SORT OF A PRANK LOL)

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[lowercase intended]

leo's pov

jona came bursting through the invisible magical door in bunker nine, carrying her iphone and chanting my name annoyingly in a mantra like phase. "leo, leo, leo, leo, leo,"

"okay, okay," i said, cutting her off. "you can stop now."

i put down my latest invention, a tiny time machine. "what do you want?"

"listen to this," jona held out her white and gold earphones that were plugged into her phone, and i hesitantly placed them onto my ears. the last time she wanted me to listen to something, it had been heavy metal rock, much heavier than green day or slipknot or my chemical romance, and on full volume.

"oh hurry up," jona rushed. "it isn't nico's previous music."

once i had properly adjusted them, having elfish like ears, she quickly pressed play. i casually popped some fonzies, or otherwise known as twisties, into my mouth, making jona grimace. "i swear, that thing is gonna kill you someday."

valentines day is creeping up on me

still staring at you on my computer screen

writing a fanfic in the middle of the night cause

this will bring us closer right?

i choked on my italian chips because, troye sivan?

you've never met them the peasant cried

shut the fuck up bitch do you want to die?

and i've told you before are you deaf

i've fallen in love with a gif

i let the song finish, somehow guessing in the middle of the song that the title is 'we're my otp'. jona waited for my reaction as she took her earphones back. "well?"

"how many times have i thanked you, exactly?" i questioned.

"none," she replied confidently. "oh! except for that one time you got your hea-"

"nevermind!" i exclaimed, not wanting to be reminded of the time i got my head stuck in a magical jukebox.

"anyways," i huffed. "thank you for showing me that wonderful, amazayn, spectacular, kinda dark, delightful, extremely good, marvelous, magnificent, glorious, lovely song that makes me wonder whether the song is for internet friends or fangirls."


great," jona grinned. "because you're coming with me to to a little late night expedition with annabeth."

"umm." i checked the time, 2:10am. i just love how useful it was that the harpies didn't roam around at night anymore. "what is this so called 'expedition'?"

"just hooking up some speakers in each cabin, starting with the big house," she replied, already walking towards the door.

i quickly put down my goggles and gloves, catching up with her. we silently jogged to cabin six, where the athena kids were. jona had said that annabeth was still up and waiting for us.

jona tapped some morse code on the door, secretly asking for annabeth. a few minutes later, the blonde athena girl opened the door, hands on her hips. "what took you so long?"

"i had to show leo the song, now let's go." jona replied, pushing annabeth out of the doorway and running to cabin nine, leaving us to follow her.

"why are we going to my cabin?" i questioned.

"how are we gonna hook up speakers without actual speakers?" annabeth shot back.

"okay then."

we got what we needed, and then headed for the big house.

jona's pov

i just love youtube. it made me realize things in life, and met new people, even if they haven't met me. every time i was sad or something, i would watch the yoga challenge video with caspar and zoella and i'd forget everything. i'd listen to troye sivan's cover of kiss me by ed sheeran to fall asleep. sometimes chiron would even yell at me to get off my butt and train the younger campers.

but i didn't really care, because most people were hypocrites, telling you to do what makes you happy but in truth they just boss you around and make you do stuff you hate. it's really hard for you to do it, and sometimes you just wanna disappear.

we finished secretly placing speakers in every cabin and the big house around 4:30a.m., so just in time. the main system that controlled everything was in bunker nine, so i plugged my phone to it as we hid in the deepest part of bunker nine. i went to spotify, scrolling to the song i was gonna play before wearing the half inaudible headphones leo handed me.

we made sure that everything was in full blast before i clicked on ain't it fun by paramore. we could still hear a muffled halyley williams and some pretty hilarious screams.

"who in hades underwear would have the mind to do this!?" seemingly half the camp yelled. leo, annabeth, and i burst out laughing, rolling on the floor like madmen. luckily bunker nine was hidden away from the camp, or else we would've been dead.

i let the song pass, then played don't wanna be your girl by wet. it was the slowest and sleepiest song i could find.

"turn the damn music off, whoever you are!" a muffled voice screamed. i think that they were searching for us.

"alright guys," i spoke in morse. "remove the earphones and pretend that we're angry and had nothing to do with this."

our acting was great. leo hid the main audio system as annabeth and i went outside, looking all pissed and stuff.

"what's going on?" we yelled to chiron when we found him. he jut shrugged, though i could tell that he was annoyed of the music.

i ran to the shower rooms, the only place where we don't put speakers. thankfully there was no one there. i turned the music off and shouted, "thank the gods!" as if i was happy that the music was off.

i jogged to the campers who were starting to gather at the mess hall, chiron preparing to make a speech or something.

i plopped down next to kelp head. "hey,"

"were you the one who did that?"he asked, annoyed.

i shook my head. "nah. but i really wanna beat the living zeus out of the kid who did."

chiron cleared his throat. "who in zeus's underwear had the guts to do that?"

everyone kept quiet.

chiron sighed. "we will solve this matter later. if you can, please go back to sleep. others can start training, and breakfast will be served thirty minutes earlier."

everyone dispersed, going to the cabins or training areas. i caught up with leo and annabeth, who were trying to suppress their grins. "amazing work, guys!" i whispered. we secretly fist bumped, me nodding to percy. "i gotta get some sleep now, good thing kelp head over there is warming up."

"i have the cabin all to myself."








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