"I'm Chloe, but call me Chlo." A curly brunette girl smiled. She had her hair half up in a high pony with a Team USA scrunchie in her hair.

"Hi, I'm Kylee. I go by Ky and I think I might tip over now." The girl with the black glasses and messy bun from before gestured to the ground almost falling over if it weren't for the Welsh girl, Shan, for catching her.

"And I'm the other Shannon." A brunette hair girl with transparent glasses and thick eyebrows grinned happily and jumped slightly while waving.

"It's nice to meet all of you dedicated fangirls, as Vicki so calls you." Adam laughed which made all of us laugh. Ky, the Welsh Shan, Kat, and Bri all tipped over, fainting, probably from his laugh, making loud slapping thuds on the ice.

"Can we get autographs and photos?" Matilda smiled, taking out a photo of Adam from her backpack purse and a sharpie.

Then all the rest of the girls did the same, crowding us.

Adam smiled and kindly signed all of their photos of him. Some of the girls even asked if I could sign a separate picture of me for them.

I wrote 'With Much Love From Vicki "The Spirit" Reed #20' on each of them with hearts on the pictures.

Some of the girls even brought disposable cameras to take group and individual photos.

"We wish the rest of the girls could have made it but they couldn't." Kylee frowned.

"Why how many Banksy Babes are there?" I asked, in a sad voice, I was also upset about not meeting everyone.

I saw Bri count on her fingers, "18?" She said with a hint of questioning in her voice looking at the rest of the girls for clarification.

"Well, Syd, Jocelyn, Angela, Madison, Amani, Kay, and Kristina are all missing," Addy responded.

"Well, that's sad that we couldn't meet everyone." Adam nodded.

"Ya it is, I definitely know Syd would have loved to meet you." Bri nodded.

"Yeah, they all would have," Shannon added.

"But there is one thing I really want to ask of you, Adam," Shan spoke out, stepping forward. "Can we give you a kiss?" She fluttered her lashes.

"Why the hell not!" Adam laughed, which made me laugh.

The girls all squeaked and got in line, Shan kissed Adam on the cheek and trotted off. Next was Ky, then Bri, and Kat, Matilda, Aali, Addy, Shannon, Chloe, Vaeh, and Bailey.

They were all squealing and squeaking like fangirls before saying their goodbyes and running off the ice feeling like a million bucks that they met Adam Banks.

After our encounter with the Banksy Babes, we all got showered and went back to the dorms. Coach told us on the way back got the dorms that we were all invited to a party at the coliseum tonight and our hard work paid off. Coach let us sleep the rest of the day up until two hours before we were expected to be at the party but Jules, Con, and I were up and three hours before so we could all get ready.

I was just steaming my dress when a knock came from our door, "I'll get it." Trotting to the door, opening it, Adam was right outside, still in his pajamas. We smiled widely at each other when we locked eyes.

"Hey, I um, brought you these. For the party tonight. It's your late birthday gift from me." Adam held up a black dress bag, giving it to me.

"Aww, thanks Banksie. Your too cute."

"I hope you like it. I know I liked it while picking everything out for you," He then coughed to clear his throat. "But I know it will look better on you."

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