46 / 四十六 / yon-jyu-roku

Start from the beginning

He knew it was overwhelming for them, and deep down, he wanted to lessen their pressure even if it's just a little bit. The boy was their manager after all–it's his duty to tend to them. Even if he feels bitter sometimes.

"Ah fuck, I think I left my phone at the hotel," Kira frowned. Haide dramatically gasped.

The tangerine's lip corners descended, "Kira-chan, you didn't have to curse."

"And how does it concern you, you little piece of nugget?" The ravenette scowled at her.

Haide blushed, "Y-You called me nugget?"

"What?" Kira's eyes widened, "What–no! I just meant you literally look like one," Her lips formed a frustrated pout as she looked away from her setter.

"Aight, aight. Let's all calm down—we're about to exit the bus and face the people," Guren said with a kansai dialect.

Kuro's brow raised, "Since when did you pick up kansai-ben?"

"What?" Guren blinked, "Oh. The other coaches from the Inarizaki match kinda grew on me, I can't stop it easily."

Ichiro sighed, "This idiot is easily influenced anyways."

"Who yer callin' idiot?" Guren grunted.

The female just sighed and told the driver to open the bus doors. One by one, the girls stepped outside the bus in their tracksuit. (a/n: black tracksuit with crimson red and white details. Let your imagination run wild!)

They were all wearing face masks as they entered through the main entrance. Kuro got irked when a some guy blushed at the sight of Shirome. He walked forward to block his view of her.

"Alright sweeties, go change into your jerseys now. The teams parade will start in 30 minutes," Ichiro clapped and dismissed them to the changing rooms.

"Roger," They synced.

"Ameri-san, you look really cool in our jersey," Kira told the crimson head with sparkles in her eyes. Haide nodded rapidly in agreement.

The cherry head wore a sheepish grin and blushed, "Aw shucks, you make me blush, my little kouhai!"

"Ameri-senpai!" Kira and Haide exclaimed in praise.

Kuro fidgeted. Shirome was supposed to gather with them, but she got caught up with journalists from side to side. Ichiro told him that she'll be fine and he got nothing to worry about—but he still can't help but worry. He hadn't seen her ever since she changed, you could say he was eager to see his kouhai in her cute little jersey.

"Sorry for taking so long."

The ravenette whipped his head fast towards the familiar voice and he froze. Ichiro gave the small captain the clipboard of informations from future matches and line-ups, Ameri approached her with a big smile.

The team with the exception of Guren, Ichiro, and Ameri cried silently with Kuro.

"The hell's wrong with all of you?" Ameri raised a brow.

"Yer tellin' me, yer all gon' cry because of the sight of yer captain like this in Nationals? How much more can yer cry for the following years she stay as captain?" Guren huffed with arms crossed. It hasn't been a long time but he already got a heavy Kansai-dialect.

"You just had to tell them that," Ameri pursed her lips when the team cried harder.

"Alright..," Shirome slowly said and sweatdropped. She sighed, "Let's go to the main room with the other players now. And don't get lost, especially you, Ameri."

Ameri snickered, "Yes, yes. Roger, captain!" She saluted.

Ichiro, Guren, and Kuro went to another place where they await the teams' parade. A lot of people was whispering as their eyes sparkled at the sight of Fushichou. They strolled for a bit while other members conversed with some people they know from other teams.

Shirome's brows slightly furrowed, frowning as she failed to feel a member's presence. She mentally counted her members in sight, but there was one missing.

"Hito, where's Ameri?"

Hito turned to Shirome and shrugged, "I don't know. Oh no–"

"Kira, I'll leave the team for you in a bit," She hurriedly told the ravenette 1st year.

Shirome whipped her head around, but she wasn't in sight.




"Oh–sorry! I didn't mean to—Shinkui-san?"

The crimson head's eyes widened, "Hinata!"

He grinned, "Hello! Why are you alone here? Where's Furumi-san?" The tangerine asked with curiosity and roamed his head around the room.

"I....got lost," She sheepishly said.

His eyes widened, "Oh no! That's bad—what can I do?"

"No no, it's okay. She'll find me," She bit her bottom lip and nervously skimmed her eyes around the room.

"Ooh, Shinkui! Shinkuuiii~," Bokuto chirped at her with waving arms. Karasuno and Nekoma hummed in confusion, eyes slightly widening at the sight of Ameri.

I mean, who could blame them? Ameri looked really nice with her jersey.

"Where's Shirome?" Kenma quietly asked her, peeking behind Kuro.

She frowned, "I got lost. I don't know where she is—"


The crimson head froze as she found it difficult to breathe. She could already feel her upcoming wrath.

Ameri crookedly turned her head to her.

I'm fucked.

hello! just did half of this chapter when our teacher discussed how to do statistics :PPP

lol, can u believe our adviser was forced to talk to our teachers because they keep overloading us with school works?

anyway, how was the chapter?? tell me if it's cringey, i'll edit when I can.

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