9 Long Distance?

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Author's note**

1K plus already 😍😍 Thank you for the love guys I am more than grateful for this love and support guys I love you all. 😘😘💖💝

Saravat's POV**

Tine : "eyy wat you didn't washed clothes again today? How many times I need to remind you one single thing?" he looked at me and I sighs heaving at his reaction then got up to help him with laundry.

Sarawat : "Ahh sorry baby I was busy with some stuff lately so I forgot."

Tine : "Oh I forgot to ask you why did the principal called you yesterday? Is everything ok?"

Sarawat : "Yeah not a big deal" and I am lying again, but I am not sure if I should talk about that with tine on not I don't know how he's gonna react.

Tine : He looked at me with his Sherlock eyes and said "I know you are lying tell me what you did?"

Sarawat : "I did nothing baby I promise."

He came closer to me held my hand and set me down on the sofa and sit beside me and started running his finger through my hairs, hmm it's comfortable I couldn't help but smile at this cute gesture of tine.

Tine : "Tell me honey what happened? I know you're worried about something, you can tell me anything you know right?" he asked sweetly creasing my hair, I think I should talk to tine he has every right to know about whatever happen in my life.

Sarawat : I nodded as I continue, "Umm yesterday sir called me because he wants me to represent our collage as a intern in a music studio for 3 months."

Tine :"What? And you're telling me this now? What's wrong with you? This is so amazing sarawat we all know how much you love music and it's a golden opportunity for you."

Sarawat :"I know you are right tine but the studio is not here it's......" here goes nothing, "It's in New York." There I said it.

Tine looking at me with surprised, confused, scared and lots of other emotions at the same time, god I don't know what he's thinking right now, shit he looks like he's about to cry no no no baby don't cry.... what now.

Sarawat : I held his cheeks in my hand and slowly wipe his tears from my thumb and pulled him closer into a hug, "Baby.... Tine I am not going anywhere, I turned the offer down the minute they told me. I can't leave you my love for anything, please don't cry baby."

He didn't said for a few minutes what feels like eternity to me god baby say something please, he lift his head slowly and looked into my eyes.

Tine :"I want you to go." What is he not paying attention when I said it's in New York?

Sarawat :"It's in New York." I repeat to make sure he knows what he's talking about.

Tine :"I know, I heard that the first time." What he's talking about I am not going.

Sarawat : "I am not going as I said before, I rejected the offer and there's no way I am staying away from you."

Tine looked at me with a sad smile pulled me closer and gave me a little kiss on my lips and then held my hand tightly.

Tine : "This is a great opportunity for you sarawat and I want you to go" I opened my mouth to argue but he shut me up with another kiss on my lips, "Let me finish first" I nodded, "It's just 3 months sarawat we can do this together, I never want to be someone who holds you back from achieving what you deserve in life"

Sarawat :"But you're not it's my decision, I am the one who's not strong enough to be away from you."

Tine : "Then let me help you, this is about your career and I am not gonna let you ruin this over a stupid reason understand?"

Sarawat : "No, I will get lots of opportunities in the future here with you with us being together."

Tine : "But.." my phone started ringing tine answered it.

Sarawat : "Who's it.." he cut me off and continue talking as I was waiting for him to finish, and after a few minutes he came back.

Tine :"It was from the collage again and sir told me about the whole deal" Shit I cursed under my breath, "are you mad wat? They're giving you this great chance to learn more and they're offering you, your own band and you're saying you don't want to go? It's your dream honey what are you doing?"

Sarawat : "But baby.." I don't know what to say right now.

Tine : "But what? You want to give up your dream because of me? If you do this sarawat I'll never be able to forgive myself." He started crying

I ran towards him and hugged him tight as he continued crying in my arms, No I don't want this I was doing this for our happiness but seeing him cry like that breaking my heart into pieces I can't take this anymore.

Sarawat :"Please don't cry baby I will do whatever you say please don't cry my nuisance, I can't see you like this baby I am so sorry I cause this pain I am so sorry please stop crying." I said creasing his hairs constantly.

Tine : "I love you sarawat and it's not easy for me as well to stay away from you but it's just the matter of time honey we can do this, we get through this." He said in between crying.

Sarawat :"I love you too baby, yes we'll do whatever you want my love don't cry baby look at me please." I lift his head up and wiped his tears and he kissed me I responded as soon as I came back to reality, I pushed my tongue inside his mouth and taste his sweet mouth as he grabbed my caller and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

We both lost track of time, I don't know for how long we've kissed but when he felt out of breath he broke the kiss and rest his head on mine and we both panted for a little while.

Tine :"well I am surely gonna miss this" he said with a smile that made us both laugh.

Sarawat :"Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Tine :"Positively, don't worry my love we're gonna do this together."

I nodded and pulled him into another kiss that leads to our bedroom this time.

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