Chapter 1

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A large white mansion was shown, away from the hustle and bustle of the Mumabi busy streets...inside that mansion, a small little girl holding a book went up to a woman on her phone.

Woman: yes Tia..this evening sounds perfect. I really cannot wait to meet you all. 

Little girl: mama?

The woman ignored her as she continued talking on her phone: is she actually planning to wear something from Gucci? So lucky. 

Little girl: mama?

Woman: one minute Tia...what Nivanya? Can't you see that I am on the phone?

Nivanya: I need help with this dot to dot. 

The woman snatched the book from Nivanya and looked at it. 

Woman: for this nonsense, you decided to disturb me?

Nivanya: sorry mama. 

The woman threw the book on the ground and continued talking on her phone. Nivanya made a sad face and went to pick up the book. She looked at her mother laughing on the phone sadly. 

Another woman: Nivi!

Nivanya looked at the entrance of the mansion to see her dad's best friend, Mishti smiling at her. Nivanya smiled and ran to Mishti, hugging her.

Woman: give me another minute Tia...Mishti, what are you doing here?

Mishti: well Svetlana, because you are too busy to be with Nivanya, I am taking her to her dad. 

Svetlana: be my guest. I don't need Nivanya annoying me. 

Mishti: I wasn't even asking you, I was telling you! Come on Nivi.

Nivanya: okay Mishti. 

She held Mishti's hand and they went out of the house. Svetlana sighed in relief thinking that finally that child was out of the house. She went back to her phone call.



London...the street was glorious in its inception. The sidewalks were smooth grey stone, joined with such precision that the joints were almost invisible. The walls were concrete, but not like a villa in rural Spain; they were more the construction of a modernist skyscraper, all sharp edges and corners. The buildings were nothing short of monoliths.

The scene moved to a pearly white building, at the top in cursive gold handwriting it said 'Zoya'. Inside the building, the interiors were grand, it was so grand that it could be part of those interior magazines. 

The scene then moved to an office cabin, it was painted light grey and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the beauty of Covent Garden. On the white desk sat an iMac, a notebook lying open, some pens and a pile of files which were in many colours. At the desk, was a cream coloured swivel chair. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium. 

A young woman entered her office cabin, she was dressed in striped 1/2 sleeves A-line knee length casual/elegant dress. Her long black hair was styled in a perfect and pretty mermaid-esque updo, her hazel eyes were outlined with eyeliner and her lips were painted with clear lipgloss. She was walking with ease in her high heels. 

She sat at her chair and kept the black handbag she was carrying on her desk. She went on her phone and looked at the missed calls. 

Woman: didi is going to kill me. 

With that said, her older sister came into her office. 

Woman: hi Prerna didi. 

Prerna: when did you get your phone?

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