Chapter Five: Who Are You?

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As the figure closed in on us, we could tell it was definitely a male figure. As he stepped into the light and realised who it was, I hid as fast as I could so he couldn't see me. It was Zex. I kept hidden and watched him from behind Pierce. He had a huge evil grin on his face. "Hand her over." He said in a very demanding tone.

I clung to Pierce's robe in fear and he didn't seem to mind. "No." Pierce answered with confidence. Noi came out in front and stood up to Zex. "I won't let you take her!" He sounded so confident, he wanted to sound confident, but I could tell that he was scared. "Oh? You won't?" Zex didn't want to give up without a fight. "Okay then. I'll just force you to give her to me!"

As he lunged towards us ready to attack, someone else came out of the bushes and attacked Zex. They pinned him to the ground and held a blade to his throat. "Don't you dare touch them!" They said aggressively. "I-... Grrrr..." Zex then disappeared and the other figure stood up and put their blades away.

As I looked at the dark, shadowy figure, I noticed that the figure belonged to a female and they had a cat tail, cat ears, and horns similar to Pierce's horns. The Daemos were surprised to see her as if they knew her. I was scared and confused. I stayed hidden behind Pierce. She walked up to Pierce and saw me hiding behind him.

She knelt down to my height and looked at me. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." She had a very calming voice. I looked up to her and to my surprise, she was beautiful. I wasn't expecting someone so beautiful to be a warrior. This may sound a little bit rude, and I don't mean any offence to anyone, but I always imagined warriors more beat up.

She held out her hand to me and I felt like I could trust her. I came out from hiding behind Pierce and walked closer to her. She smiled at me and all my fear of her instantly went away. "S-Saya...?" Rhys seemed shocked and couldn't believe what he was seeing. I looked at him confused. "'Saya?' Who or what is 'Saya'?" I asked him.

"Yes, that's me." The girl answered with a soft smile. "B-But we thought you-" Leif started to say then stopped, not wanting to finish the sentence. "Died..." Noi said, completing the sentence that Leif started. "Well, you see... It's a long story..." Saya replied. I heard a slight clank as Pierce dropped his sword to the ground out of shock.

The girl looked at Pierce and gave him a soft, loving smile. "It's nice to finally see you again, Pierce." There was a connection between the two of them that I can't describe. Pierce kind of just stood there in shock, unable to move. "We're listening..." Asch said, wanting to know the answer as to why they saw her die and now they are seeing her stand in front of them.

Saya was a little hesitant to answer because she didn't want anyone to freak out. "Hey, wait-" I interrupted. "How do you all know her?" "She's my twin sister." Pierce replied, looking at me with a warm smile on his face. My eyes widened to hear that those two were related, let alone twins! They look nothing alike! I looked back and forth between Pierce and Saya, trying to find a resemblance.

"H-How-? How are you twins? I'm confused as to how you guys are related..." I realised what I said could of sounded a bit rude and thoughts of how what I said could of brought up bad memories for the both of them. A small sigh escaped Leif's mouth. "Their mother was kind of like a spirit and a Daemos combined without the horns... I don't know how else to explain it. But out of the two of them, Pierce was a normal Daemos and Saya inherited the spirit like features."

"Spirits? Like, ghosts...?" I was confused at what they meant by 'Spirits' and decided to ask. "No." Rhys replied. "On Earth, we met a spirit named 'Johnny'. He was Ava's spirit, but on Earth, they called them 'cats'." "Ohhh..." I now realised what they were talking about but was unsure of why they called them 'Spirits'. I turned to Saya. "Could you tell me more about yourself?" Saya looked at me and smiled. "Of course! Why not?" She began to tell me more about herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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