"Do you have any idea what breakfast cereal's made of? It's those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners.", Mr. Wonka insulted.

"But could you send it by television, if you wanted to?", Charlie asked, "'Course I could.", Mr. Wonka answered.

"What about people?", Mike asked, "Well, why would I want to send a person? They don't taste very good at all.", Mr. Wonka said in disgust.

"Don't realize what you're inventing? It's a teleporter. It's the most important invention in the history of the world and all you think about is chocolate.", Mike said angrily.

"Calm down, Mike. I think Mr. Wonka knows what he's talking about.", Mr. Teavee tries to convince Mike.

"No, he doesn't. He has no idea. You think he's a genius, but he's an idiot. But I'm not.", he said as he tries to run towards the transporter.

He felt someone tackled him and holding him back, he turns to see Jason is holding back, "Let me go, Jason!", Mike shouted as he tries to escape him.

"Are you crazy?! You're gonna get yourself killed if you try to teleport yourself!", Jason struggling to hold Mike back.

Mr. Black and Mr. Teavee went to them and pulled them away from each other, "Why would you that?! I was trying to prove Wonka that this can actually work!", Mike shouted as got out of his dad's grip.

"Are you that stupid?! If you do that, you'll shrink and what would happen if your body got seperated?!", Jason exclaimed.

Mr. Wonka went forward and tries to calm us down, "Now, now, children. Calm down, there's no need to shout, no need to yell. Just count to 10 and you'll be swell. Hey, that rhymes.", he giggled.

Mr. Black facepalms and said, "Mr. Wonka, you're not helping.", as he let's go of Jason, Jason went to Mike and gripped his shirt and said, "You're really stupid! I was worried about you and you know it!"

Mike looked at him and said, "Why do you care, anyway? You're just gonna leave me like other kids do."

Jason let go of his shirt and said, "You know that's not true.", Mike, then shouted, "How do you know that?! You were never there!"

"Because... because I care for you. We all care for you. Even if they don't show it, they still care about your safety."

Mike looked at them, they were looking at him in concern, "Please, Mike, we care about you. Just tell us what you want.", Mr. Teavee said concerningly.

Mike bit his lips and turns around, not wanting to show that he is holding back tears, "Friends. I need real friends.", he said tearfully and started to cry.

"Oh, Mike.", Jason said softly, went to him and give him a hug. Mike hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulder.

Mr. Teavee went to him and puts his hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry, Mike, I never knew you were holding back like this.", Mike, then, hugged his dad.

Then, Mike wiped his tears and went to Mr. Wonka, "I'm sorry for calling you an idiot and trying to go to your teleporter.", he apologized.

Mr. Wonka looked at him and said, "It's fine, little boy, just don't do it again. Now, on with the tour.", and they went back to the elevator.

The Oompa-Loompas shut down the room and Mr. Wonka said, "There's so much left to see. Now, how many children are left?"

They remove the shades and Grandpa Joe said, "Mr. Wonka, Charlie and Jason are the only ones who didn't get in trouble."

"Really?", Mr. Wonka asked, Charlie and Jason nodded, "Yes, sir.", Charlie said softly, "Oh, my dear boy. That means you two have won!", Mr. Wonka said, surprising the rest of the guests

Mr. Wonka shakes their hands vigorously, "Oh, I do congratulate you two, I really do. I'm absolutely delighted. I had a hunch, you know, right from the beginning. Well done.

"Now, we mustn't dilly or dally. Because we have an enormous number of things to do before the day's out.", Mr. Wonka let go of their hands, "But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things al-", he bumped into the elevator hard, making the adults wince in pain and the kids hold their laughs.

"Speed things along.", Mr. Wonka said, acted like nothing happens, they put the shades into a bucket and went inside the elevator.

Mr. Wonka pressed a button that says, UP AND OUT, "'Up and Out?' What kind of room is that?", Charlie asked, "Hold on.", Mr. Wonka said as the elevator starts to go up fast.

"Oh, my goodness. We're gonna need to go much faster. Otherwise, we'll just never break through.", Mr. Wonka said, making them looked at him like crazy.

"You're saying that...", Jason said, "I've been longing to press that button for years. Well, here we go. Up and out!", Mr. Wonka said excitedly.

"You mean that we're going to crash?!", Violet panicked, "But it's made of glass.", Veruca said fearfully, "It vill smash into a million pieces!", Augustus said, "You're crazy!", Mike exclaimed.

But Mr. Wonka laughed maniacally as they are going faster, the adults shield their kids as they crash into the roof.

A/N: 1,494 words, why did I made this chapter angsty for some reason?

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