Chapter 9

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They arrived at the NUT SORTING ROOM and Mr. Salt said to Mr. Wonka, "Ah, this is the room I know all about, for you see, Mr. Wonka, I myself a nut business.", and gives him a card, which Mr. Wonka throws away.

"Are you using the Havimax 4000 to do your sorting?", Mr. Salt asked, "No.", Mr. Wonka laughs, "You're really weird."

They went inside and there's a gate and outside the gate, there are squirrels around the room and in the middle there is a hole in the middle.

Veruca said excitedly, "Squirrels!" "Yeah! Squirrels. These squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of the shells.", Mr. Wonka said.

"Why use squirrels? Why not use Oompa-Loompas?", Mr. Salt asked, "Because only squirrels can get the whole walnut out almost every single time.", Mr. Wonka answered.

"You see how they tap each one with their little knuckles, to make sure it's not so bad? Oh, look, look!", Mr. Wonka pointed at the squirrel, which is checking the nut.

"I think that one's got a bad nut.", he said as the squirrel throws away the bad nut in the hole, "Daddy, I want a squirrel. Get me one of those squirrels. I want one.", Veruca demanded.

"Veruca, dear, you have many marvelous pets.", Mr. Salt said. "

All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster! I want a squirrel!", Veruca shouted.

"That's a ton of animals coming from a brat.", Mr. Black whispered to his son, who nodded in agreement.

"Alright, dear. Daddy'll get you a squirrel, just as soon as he possibly can.", Mr. Salt said, "But I don't want any old squirrel. I want a trained squirrel.", Veruca said.

Mr. Salt sighed and said, "Very well. Mr. Wonka? How much do you want for one of these squirrels? Name your price.", and Veruca smiled at Mr. Wonka.

"Oh, they're not for sale. She can't have one.", Mr. Wonka said as Veruca stopped smiling and turns to her dad, "Daddy!", she demanded.

Mr. Wonka said in Mr. Salt's voice, "I'm sorry, darling. Mr. Wonka is being unreasonable.", Veruca said, "If you won't get me a squirrel, I'll get one myself.", and she went between the gap of the gate and went downstairs.

"Veruca.", Mr. Salt called, but Veruca continues to go the stairs, "Little girl?", Mr. Wonka tried to call her, "Veruca, come back here at once.", Mr. Salt warned her, but Veruca is still looking.

"Veruca!", he shouted, but Veruca went to the end of the room, "Little girl? Don't touch that squirrel's nuts. It'll make him crazy.", but she didn't listen as the squirrels starts looking at her.

The suspense is in the room as Veruca hold out her arms saying, "I'll have you!", and the squirrels started to escape on their seats and ran towards her.

"Veruca!", Mr. Salt shouted as he tries to get the gate to open and Mr. Wonka has a ring full of keys, then the squirrels jumped on Veruca, who fell on the floor.

"Daddy!", she shouted, "Veruca!", Mr. Salt shouted as Mr. Wonka tries to find the right key for the lock.

The squirrels holds her arms and legs, making Veruca stuck, "Daddy, I want them to stop!", she shouted as one of the squirrels went on top of her chest and it knocks on her forehead and check on her.

"What are they doing?", Charlie asked fearfully, "They're testing to see if she's a bad nut.", and the squirrel let out a high-pitched squeak.

"Oh my goodness. She is a bad nut, after all.", Mr. Wonka said, as the squirrels carried her towards the hole.

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