11; We have to suck some toads

Start from the beginning

Katara and Sokka were outside playing in the snow and Hakoda was working with some other men on the walls. Gran Gran was out doing chores as usual and Kya had been laying with me in my sleeping bag, trying her best to keep me warm. Much to Katara's annoyance, since she wanted to lay with her mommy all day. She left with a pout but it disappeared as soon as Sokka threw a snow ball in her face.

" You're going to feel all better as soon as you get some soup in you." Kya said, sitting beside the large pot that cooked on top of burning wood and fat that was left over from the hunt yesterday. I laid a few feet away from her in my sleeping bag, using my hands as a pillow. My glazed eyes watching the soup cook from where I laid. The smell made my stomach grumble for food. She turns to look at me and gave me a weak smile, she pulled out the little wooden box and made her way to me. " Roll over, I need to give you some more paste." She instructed gently and I groan, moving on my back and she pulled my shirt down a bit, with the pinkish paste on her fingers, she gently rubbed it against my chest. At first it burned for a moment, in my nose, the smell but it went away quickly and my shirt pulled back up.

" I hate the smell, Kya." I whine and resumed my position I was in before.

" You're not suppose to like the smell, Mirza, it's suppose to help you feel better." Kya smiled as she talked, she moved back to the food after wiping her hands. I watched her, even with my bad eye, I could make out her figure by the fire.

" When can I go outside and play?" I asked, as Kya turns her head towards me with a thoughtful look on her face. " Later?"

" More like, tomorrow, little one." Kya said, as she stirred the soup, smile on her face. I groan loudly at that, " Though, since Gran Gran will be finished with the chores, I'll come out and play with you, Katara and Sokka." She said, and I beam at her happily from my spot. Excited that we will get to play with her, since Kya was always busy with chores or helping Hakoda with the village.

" You promise?" I asked, eyes gleaming at the woman who smiles, giving a laugh in response.

" I prom-"


I grunted when something landed on my face, opening my eyes, I see Momo holding a dead rat in his hands. I scream and smacked the rat away, Momo chattering nervously behind my head and I glared at the lemur who stared back innocently. " Why you-"

" It's not his fault." Katara's voice made me snapped to her instantly, she was in her coat and stared at me with a frown. " I asked him for water and he came back with that..." She glanced to the dead rat and to me.

" Still, ugh.." I rubbed my cheek away from the possible diseases that thing had. I glanced at the sky and noticed it gotten dark-ish and no Aang in sight. " How about I go get us some water?" I offered, sliding down, Sokka whining from his spot and opened his eyes. I pulled Katara's extra water-skin from the pack as I walked to the open window.

" Where are you going Fire Lord?" He asked sleepily, " Come back with the fire."

" Ignore him, he's been going on about fire in his sleep." Katara said.

I shake my head a bit, of course he is. " I'll be back soon with some water and hopefully see Aang down there. You guys.." I glanced at the others, seeing Sokka trying to earthbend again, momo chattering on top of Appa who was asleep and then to Katara who was almost falling alseep. " Be good." I looked down the broken steps and began making my way down, almost slipping a few times but made it to the ground. I swore, when we flew over, there was a pond or lake that I can use water from. As I made my way down the dirt road.

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