••☆ Chapter 17: "Perfect Confession" (Part1) ☆••

Start from the beginning

"Forget it. I already requested a heater for you. They'll be here any minute to install it." she told him.

"Okay... thanks" he replied, but he really did not like it. He preferred sleeping with her instead.

"What do you want to do today?" she asked.

"I know there's an old castle here in Norwich. Wanna check it out?" he suggested.

"Hell yeah!" she agreed in a thrilled voice.

He chuckled. "All right, let's have a quick breakfast before we go there."

After eating at the hotel's restaurant, they headed on their way to Norman Norwich Castle. When they arrived at the place, Rose couldn't believe her eyes. It was her first time to see a real castle.

"Wow! This castle is really huge... The people who built this place were madly amazing. Just look at the incredible details on walls, floor and ceiling... Dang" she said, looking around. "I think I will need your modelling skills here."

Dylan chuckled. "Sure thing"

She began to place him in every good spot she could find. He went along with her willingly and did her every request.

"Okay, we're done." she said when she felt satisfied with her shots.

"What are you going to do with those pictures?" he asked in a curious tone.

"I'll put them in a photo album. Then, I'll give it to you as a gift once our contract ended." she answered without looking. "So you can see all the good memories you had when you were in the dark." she continued.

After he heard that, he realized that all his good memories started when he met her. She gave light to his lonely and empty world. "Hey, let's take a picture together."

She looked at him. "Why?" she asked, feeling confused and a bit suspicious.

"We've been together for quite a long time, but we don't have yet a single picture together... Come on, let's do it. Then, include it in the photo album." he insisted.

She rolled her eyes. "All right, seat here" She guided him to a long wooden pew. Then, she placed her camera on the flat railing in front of them and set its timer. When the time began to count down, she ran back and sat beside him. "Smile"

He put his arm on her shoulders and pulled her close.

When she saw their picture, he was smiling while she was awkwardly looking at him because of what he did.

"How is it?" he asked.

"It's fine. It looks like you're with your little brother." she answered.

He chuckled.

"Where do you want to go next?" she asked.

"I'll let you decide this time." he answered.

"Mmm... I saw a river on our way here. Can we go there?" she asked.

"Sure" he agreed.

At the river Wensum, they spent the rest of the morning. There, Rose spoiled herself with the beauty of the place. She took a lot of pictures as she was savoring the presence of nature.

At noon, they had their lunch at a nearby restaurant. Rose enjoyed her roasted chicken with mashed potato and salad. After eating, they went for a walk.

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