Chapter 8

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Jorgens PoV

I couldn't move.  I couldn't feel my body and I could barely breathe. But I was alive. I heard as medics and nurses in the transport ship run around grabbing things. I could think and hear but nothing else. From what I speculated I was in a coma. Not sure what kind sadly. 

My mind thought back to Spin, she had saved my life. I owed it to her. She would do that for anybody, she was kind, in that way. Would I do that for anybody but her, I think I would. My thoughts were slowing down, getting more muffled then before. Before I passed out my last thought was. 'Thank you Spin, I love you.'

I woke to silence. I couldn't see anything still but the smell of the room was of rubbing alcohol, most likely used for sanitation. I tried to shift my position just a bit, tried to feel my toes, anything. But I was still laying there stuck in the same position. This was horrible but I couldn't give up hope, Spin needed me, so did Ned and Arturo and the rest of my flight. They all needed me to stay strong and to wake up. I pushed myself harder but the more I tried the more exhausted I got the harder it was to stay awake. But I never stopped trying. I eventually went back to sleep.

The next time I woke up was to crying. It was more of a whimpering sound, off to my right. I wanted to yell. 'I'm here I can hear you please don't cry I'll wake up soon... I hope' but I still couldn't move. I wanted to comfort them as a friend not as their flight leader, I wanted to be more like I wanted to be, not the way I was molded by my parents to be. I wish I could be better than I was. Not struggling with the simplest things, like to move. But no matter how hard I tried I still couldn't do anything, not even twitch a finger slightly. I was crying, not physically like shedding tears or sobbing but mentally were it all comes crashing down on you. Stirring up emotions you didn't know you had built up, stored away.

The thought anyone in my flight in my position and me sitting next to that bed was worse though. My mind crumbled burying itself in my sorrows. 'No, no please, stay awake, stay awake for Ned, Arturo... Spensa.' But my pleas were buried along with my thoughts.

Spensa's PoV

I sat next to Jorgens bed sobbing, If only I could do more to help (But if anyone said that I was sobbing I would instantly deny it) I could feel Jorgens heartbeat speed up and slow down from time to time, like he could hear what I was saying, or something. The doctors had told me when I had brought it up that it was likely that he could hear what was going on around him, with the explanation that hearing and thought were the last things to deteriorate. But that sadly if he didn't wake up within a couple of weeks he might never wake up.

So I kept begging him to wake up, over and over and over again. To no avail. Finally at 20:00 hours (8:00 P.M. for those of you who are wondering) they told me that I had to leave the medical wing, saying that I could come back in the morning.

I left having my heart feel heavy. Walking through the halls I ended up walking to Cobs office. I didn't know what I was doing but I knocked on his door. I was answered with a gruff. "Come in." I walked in and he sighed. "Hello lieutenant, I've been expecting you, though you did come in later than I expected." I nodded. Then stood up straight at attention, feeling it was rude to do otherwise. "At ease lieutenant." His voice got quieter. "I thought you would know that by now you don't have to do that lieutenant Nightshade." He chuckled, but his amusement was momentary before seriousness took hold again. "How is Jorgen?" 

My eyes teared up a bit but my voice didn't waiver. "He's in a coma, the doctor said that he can probably hear us and do some thinking but that's about it. He... also said that if he doesn't wake up in a couple weeks he might never wake up and they have to pull him off oxygen." Cob grunted but when he spoke his voice was unusually soft. "I know what it's like to lose someone you love it's like a stab to the gut, and before you say that you didn't love Jorgen, I see the way the two of you look at each other, I know that look, I shared it with only one other person, well that is, before she died in the battle of Alta." 

He said it more as a statement rather then something to be questioned. So I didn't ask who this person was. But I didn't like how he was talking like Jorgen was already dead, he wasn't he was just in a coma, he would pull through, he had to. "Sir, with all due respect, but Jorgen is still alive, he hasn't died yet, he can pull through." 

Cob sighed. "I know Spin, I know. I just don't want to put too much faith into the fact that he will live, because knowing life, it will always twist into some unreal fantasy that shouldn't exist, taking your loved ones away just like in stories." (Yes I know that he kinda broke the fourth wall here. I don't care, now on with the story) I paused then continued. "And, well it helps me not get too attached, If I broke down after every one of my pilots died, where would I be it would be endless sorrow that I couldn't get over."

He was right he had said this before I had just forgotten because it happened all the way back in flight school after Hurl died, and it made sense. So I just nodded, said my goodbyes and walked back out the door. Waiting for something else to hit me, smack in the face. What I didn't know was that it really might.

A/N: HI EVERYONE!!! I know I'm not dead, I know a real shocker. I've been a bit busy with COVID making life difficult but I'm managing now. I had another writer's block about halfway through writing this and lost inspiration until I had a dream that I was ACTUALLY IN a coma (Ok it might have been a nightmare) but it made me pick this back up and finish the chapter. I think I got it out within the two weeks I promised too (Double win) so ya. Also I was thinking about it and I thought I might do a Q&A, I will set some rules though. You can't ask my age, what school I go to, what state/city I live in, no personal info. But anything on writing what I prefer, favorite food, music, shows, books etc... Give me advice and feedback pls.

Put questions here ------->

Also one more announcement. I have 1.1K reads and I'm so SO happy. This is the most reads on any book I've written and I know I don't show my gratitude to my readers all that much but I really appreciate it. So thank you so much. Originally I thought this would be just something that I would write, just to write it, but after I got out the first few chapters I realized that I had readers who were excited to have the next chapter out, even asking when I would update next. I might have asked in the beginning for people not to ask that (And I still prefer it) but it's nice to know that people are waiting impatiently for the next chapter, so thank you SO much.

Anyways that was a LONG A/N I'll leave now.

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