Chapter 1

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(Jorgen PoV)

Jorgen Weight, son of a first citizen and flight leader of Skyward flight walked down the tunnels under Detritus. He was carrying three bright yellow slugs with blue spines and getting ready to go up to the surface and fly off to platform Prime. His mind whirled, thinking about Spensa made his head and stomach hurt but he forced himself to do it. It was much better than thinking about the battle up on the surface were his friends could have gotten killed without him there.

I turned a corner and entered a large cave with rubble on the edges and a large opening at the top big enough to fit an entire ship. The light of the surface filtered in and I squinted not used to the bright light. Nedd Strong coughed behind him. He was a tall strongly built person and in his arms were five more slugs. Next to him was Arturo Mendez who was slightly shorter than him and holding four slugs. In total they had enough for an entire fleet of ships plus a scouting pair.

I walked over to the edge of the cave and started attempting to climb up to the top with one arm. "Hey Jorgen wait up let me take those slugs." I turned my head and saw Nedd walk up and hold out his hand. In which I placed the three yellow slugs I was holding one at a time. Then I turned back towards the wall and placed my hand onto it and started climbing, one step at a time one miss step and I could fall. Bit by bit I climbed to the top. Arturo was half way up when he stopped and leaned down to get the slug that Nedd was passing up. He than reached up and placed it in my outstretched palm. 

We did this twelve times before they both climbed up and we started distributing the slugs between us, four each. I shivered and waited another moment behind them I didn't know why but I thought I could feel  something behind me appearing. I didn't see anything though so I turned away. But there at the corner of my vision was a flash of light.

A/N: This is were I should stop writing to make you all mad but I'm not gonna do that so here you go. This is still in Jorgen's PoV.

I turned around so fast that Arturo and Nedd glanced back to see what had happened. I set down the slugs and leaned over the edge there at the bottom I could distinctly see a DDF flight suit. I turned and said to no one in particular. "I think... I think that's Spensa." I started climbing back down leaping the last few feet. The pain in my feet from the landing numbed as I ran to her side. 

I pressed two of my fingers against her neck, searching for a pulse. I felt it, thank the stars. I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked at her. Her long dark brown hair splayed around her in a slight mess. Her eyes were closed and her arm, under her arm there was a small drone and curled up next to her was Doomslug her pet. 

I gently pulled the drone from under her arm and it whirled to life.

"Jorgen, is, that, you?" M-bot said.

"M-BOT!" I asked.

"Yes." He asked.

"M-BOT!" I asked again

"You know your wearing out my name quite quickly." 

"Sorry I just didn't realize that you were in that drone."

" Its fine."

I nudged against her trying to wake her up. But she stayed still and motionless except for her slow labored breathing. I looked up and yelled "Nedd would you come down here and help me bring her up." 

After a few struggled attempts we succeeded in in getting Spensa up to the surface. M-bot helpfully carried Doomslug and two others as I picked up Spensa in my arms. Arturo and Nedd both snickered from behind me for the way I was carrying her but I ignored them and we walked off toward Alta base on the horizon.

A/N: How was that for dramatic ending muahahaha. Anyway have a nice day (or night)


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