Chapter 2

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Jorgen's PoV

I shivered and looked down at Spensa quietly sleeping in a hospital bed next to me. The look on her face was pure peace, something that was rarely seen as an expression on her face. I glanced at the doctor typing on a computer across the room and asked her in a bland tone of voice that I shouldn't have given but I was too worried about Spensa to care. "Any change."

"No, I'm sorry Jorgen, but she's unconscious, so for the moment we just have to wait for her to wake up. Than we can check her mental state."  She was much kinder than I deserved for the way I had treated her and I felt a stab of guilt hit my stomach.

An hour later there was still no change. The doctor had long since left giving me orders to call her if there was even the slightest change. I looked once more at the still unconscious Spensa and felt a mental and physical pull towards her which I chided myself for. This isn't a fairy tale Jorgen, you can't just kiss her and she'll wake up. That's not how the world works. But even so I still couldn't help it. 

I leaned down, cupping her cheek with my hand and gently kissed her. Her lips felt soft and smooth on my own and to be honest with myself I really loved it. I lingered in the kiss for no more than five seconds but it felt like an eternity. I broke apart and eyed her for a moment.

Don't know what I was thinking there. I got up and turned away slightly disappointed but not surprised. I got three steps toward the door before I heard an obnoxious beeping coming from one of the monitors. The heart rate monitor. I realized.

A small rustle came from across the room. Almost imperceptible but definitely there. My eyes widened as I stared at Spensa. Her face contorted in obvious discomfort and I rushed to her side in a flash. "W-were am I." She mumbled softly. Her eyes still closed tight. "In the hospital wing." I replied quietly.

Her eyes flickered, one violet eye than the other. They slowly scanned the room finally landing on, me. Her eyes immediately locked with mine and she smiled. "Well what happened to me than?" I quickly explained how me Arturo and Nedd found her and surprisingly she smiled at that.

"I can see  your being a scuding jerkface and getting me out of trouble, again." She laughed slightly and I had to join in. That's when the doctor came in, she was a bit taller than me and wearing a white lab coat, dark brown skin and black curly hair tied in a bun. Her face was stern and she said in a strict voice. "I thought I told you to get me if even the slightest thing changed. I think waking up counts as more than a slight change."

Oops I completely forgot about telling her if anything changed. "I'm sorry ma'am but I didn't want my flight mate to wake up alone in the hospital wing." She sighed. "Well I guess I can't completely blame you most people want to talk to their friends or family rather than get up and grab a doctor."

She checked Spensa over and declared her good to go. As I was helping her out of bed she turned her head and whispered in my ear. "I know what you did." I blushed heavily and looked down.

We walked out the door and I looked at Spensa. "Spin I don't think you should be flying a poco at the moment so just wait a minute so I can get a ship with a cockpit big enough for two people. I walked over to were a ground crew member was standing getting a ship ready for some pilots to go to platform Prime. "Any chance there's room for me and Lieutenant Nightshade to get up there on this ship?"

"Yes there is hop aboard." I walked over to were I had left Spensa and found her staring at the sky. "Remember when I dreamed of being up there, flying through the sky?" She asked. I nodded. "I do and Ironsides was determined to get you kicked out of the DDF. You spent all of your time walking back and forth between your cave and Alta base. You also really deeply hated me because of who my mother was." "Ya."

She closed her eyes and I realized that she was unconsciously doing Gran-Gran's exercises. After a minute she turned to me and asked. "Are you ready?" "Yes." We walked over to were the ship was getting loaded and got on.

We then flew to platform Prime in the time it took to eat at the mess hall. Then got off. I walked beside Spensa till we got to a turn in the hall. "JORGEN!" I heard someone shout. I turned my head. Rodge was running towards me and he stopped in front of me panting. "The admiral, has requested you meet him in his office." I nodded than asked him. "Can you take Spin to her room, she just woke up from..." "SPIN! YOUR BACK!" Rodge interrupted. "Yes I'm back Rig." She replied.

Rodge recovered and said. "Yes Jorgen I can take her back to her room." He turned and started walking toward the pilots quarters. I leaned down and gently kissed Spensa while his back was turned. One of her hands was around my waist and the other on my chest but I was surprised mostly because she was kissing me back. The one other time we had both knowingly kissed was right before she left for Starsight and I had assumed that we were just really stressed out and that was why. But this, her accepting that I kissed her, and in public for that matter. It confirmed what I had been thinking before she got back. She really did like me.

We pulled apart and before I turned to go she said. "Love you too, jerkface." She smiled and I smiled back. I then turned to go and walked down the hall not noticing the look that Rodge shot both of us.

A/N: Haha I stopped writing, I know I'm evil you can now start yelling at me. But first I'd like to say some thing's. First I'd like to say that I will take suggestions on which person I'd like to have for the next protag Spensa or Jorgen. Also I'm not that great with grammar (As I think you've noticed) so if you find something big (And I mean BIG) than let me know. One last thing the chapters aren't always going to be this long (I reached over 1100 words). Okay now the yelling can continue. 

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