Chapter 11

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A/N: Ok wow, this is the last chapter,  simply because I feel like it. This story, honestly is kinda cringe, I've evolved as a writer quite a bit, this story will be staying up because it's my first completed story and I'm emotionally attached to it. Hope you enjoy the last chapter!


"good, now, go see Jorgen, the doctors said that when you or your flight mates go and talk to him his brain activity increases." He shooed me into the room and I walked in, not sure what I would find.


Spensa's PoV

My world was being flipped upside down. It had been a few weeks and the doctors informed our flight that we needed to choose a new flight leader due to the fact that Jorgan was being pulled off of life support. Our flight ended up quickly and efficiently choosing me, even though I didn't ask for it. I was already in pain I didn't need more to add to my list of things to feel guilty about. 

I was walking into the hospital wing to say my final goodbye's to my friend, boyfriend? I wasn't sure, I know we had shared a few kisses here and there, but were we dating? I wasn't sure. But he was definitely my friend and he had been my flight leader and he was dying. There was nothing I could do. His other friends and commanders, including Cob was there trailing behind me.  I wanted to spend as much time as I could before it was over. 

The next hour was painful, I don't remember much of it, it's all a blur. I remember saying goodbye, them pulling his life support and crying into Kimmalyn's shoulder. That's about it. After that the alarms went off and Cob ordered me to fly, and I did, until I was desperately trying to get my shield up and a stray shot hit my ship, it exploded, and the last thing I ever did was think to myself that I'd be able to be with Jorgen. 


My eyes opened to darkness, then the delver, the one I healed was in front of me, it all felt like it did all that time ago. 'Am I dead' I asked, or well sort of asked, as much as I could in the nowhere. The delver showed me what had happened, that it was all a vision of what could be if I went home now. But if I waited, went to where it wanted me to go, then there would be a be a better outcome, or at least for the near future. That's all I could ask for, all I could hope for, a better future for everyone in this war, human, or not. 

I followed the coordinates the delver sent me, landing on a lush planet, (a jungle? is that what this is?) M-bot was zipping around me looking at everything with his little camera, except me. I knew he was probably mad at me for leaving him I couldn't blame him but it was necessary I did it to save hundreds of people. That's all that matters, I would do whatever this delver wanted me to do, and then I would go home,  and hopefully, win the war.

A/N: Welp that's it, I always wanted to tie it into the main series, so sorry for the ending (not really, but whatever.) I'm currently working on some other projects, although they won't be published for some time, I'll publish when I've finished them. Hope you enjoyed my story,
Fox out (for the last time)

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