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Camille reached over to her alarm clock tiredly and quickly shut it off. She checked her phone and saw that she had 4 missed calls from her friend, Dee.

Every school morning, Dee called Camille to make sure that she woke up for school as she's a heavy sleep and always missed her alarms, resulting in her just not showing up to school.

She texted Dee telling her that she's awake and pushed herself up out of the bed. She wore a white t-shirt with a plain grey jacket and baggy jeans. She never gave a shit about school clothes, she just put on whatever she could find.

Her dad walked in her room, making sure she was dressed. He just nodded at her and left, going back down the stairs. Camille just rolled her eyes and picked up her school bag.

She grabbed her keys before leaving her bedroom and heading out of the door to Dee's car, heading off to school.


Her last day of school flew by as it was filled with 18 year olds sobbing over people they do not give two shits about and her getting dress-coded. Camille just sat on the chairs, bored out of her mind for the full day.

Dee was Camille's only friend, as she founded it hard to ever find friends... and the fact that everyone in her school was scared of her. If she walked into a room and someone else was in it, they would run away as fast as they could. Camille didn't mind this though, as she never really liked people in general.

Her last 14 years of school was filled with going to parties, that she wasn't invited to and her and Dee smoking behind the shed at the back of school and getting caught by the gullible teachers. They would always say "Sorry Sir, we was just trying to find my ring that fell around here". The teachers would just nod and walk off.

As Camille was walking home from school, she saw her dads car pull up next to her. She turned around to face it, giving him a confused look. "Cami, get in the car. Me and your mother need to talk to you about something" he said, looking way to serious. Camille just burst out laughing in disbelief but stopped when she saw that he wasn't laughing with her.

"But i thought i wa-". He cut her off.

"Just get in the car, Camille. We have guests waiting at the house" he said in a serious tone. She quickly got into the car without asking about her question. The car ride to their house was silent as Camille was to afraid to speak.

When they got to the house, she went into the living room, seeing her mother and another woman, around her 50s, sitting next to her. Camille just sat down on the sofa and looked around, confused.

"Aww, she's even more beautiful in person" The woman said, earning a nod and a smile from her mother. Her father came in and sat right next to Camille.

"So is no one going to tell me what's going on?". Everyone looked back up to her.

"Oh yeah, sorry. As you're 18, me and your father decided that you need to get a man to settle down with and Lisa here has a darling son who i know would just be your type" Her mother said, smiling.

"Is this a joke? I'm an adult, you can't do this" Camille said in disbelief.

"Cami, please trust me on this. He's 21, he's a teacher and he's very handsome. You'll love him. Oh and you're going to be moving in with him next week and if everything goes to plan, you'll marry him next year" Her dad said. Camille just sat there in shock. "You have a night to process it. You're gonna be meeting him tomorrow". Camille got up and ran upstairs to her bedroom, leaving them downstairs.

"She'll get over it" Her mother said to the woman next to her.


That night, Camille stayed up trying to plan some type of revenge on her parents. She came up with wearing an explicit outfit, which would hopefully give mr 'handsome' a bad impression and he wouldn't want anything to do with her.

She lit up a cigarette, trying to find some revealing clothes, out of the window so her parents wouldn't smell the smoke.

Camille went to sleep happily that night, knowing she would shock her parents and the mystery man.

Issues (Arranged marriage)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin