I walked to the shed and pressed the central locking button to unlock the dark blue Ford xR8.
I started the car so it could warm up a bit before I opened the roller door so I could get out.
Then I arranged the drivers seat to fit me comfortably.
"That's alright Bluey."
I put the Ute into reverse and slipped out of the machinery shed.
I put it into first then cruised through the farm yard, toward the driveway.
Once I hit the driveway I put the gear stick into second gear and pushed my foot down a little.
I slipped the gear stick into third and pushed my foot down more.
My speedo hit 80 by the time I reached the gates and I swung the Ute to drift out of the entrance and into the dirt road, left toward town.
I slipped the gear stick into fourth and pushed my foot down more and a cloud of dust came up behind me as the wheels spun as they tried to find traction to propel us forward.
One, two, three...
I counted as I waited for the tyres to grasp.
I knew it would hit between probably four and seven seconds.
Six seconds hit and the Ute powered forward, propelling me down the road.
I guided the steering wheel to get around dodgy spots I knew in the road and to keep traction and slipped the beast into fifth gear.
The speedo hit 140 and I pressed the power button.
To cover the one hundred odd K's I had the Ute balancing around 200k's and sixth gear as I headed towards town.
If Bailey's hurt, I won't rest until this is sorted out and if somebody else has caused it, I'll kill em.

Bailey's P.O.V

Senior Constable Adam Pharryl kept as near me, as he was able to.
He coached me on breathing and keeping relaxed, assuring me I wasn't hurt.
I know I'm not hurt.
I'm shocked that's for sure.
But my concern is also that I was driving the Ute and it's been in a crash.
My family will kill me.
The roar of an all too familiar engine sounded behind me.
I half turned around.
The headlights and the spotlights of the XR8 pulled up, the vehicle rapidly slowing and eventually stopping.
Well who in the heck is it?
Not many people drive that Ute...
If it was Mum she'd have brought the Land Cruiser.
"You okay Darlin'?"
I turned back to Senior Constable Pharryl.
I croaked, giving a small nod.
He frowned at me, looking concerned.
A door slammed behind us.
"You're in safe hands kiddo."
Senior Constable Pharryl patted my back and turned to go back to the others.
"Are you hurt at all?"
I spun around, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Blayze! What the hell are you doin' here?!"
I asked my eyes popping wide and my jaw dropping.
He frowned down at me.
"Well I got a phone call that you'd been in an accident..."
I looked toward the XR8.
"But that car was at home!"
I turned back to Blayze.
"Yeah, so was I."
"I thought you were getting back tomorrow!"
He shook his head.
"I got back earlier tonight."
"You're back!"
I threw my arms around him and buried my face into his rock hard chest.
He chuckled, his chest vibrating as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.
"I'm back. Now are you hurt?"
I shook my head.
He pushed me back to arms length, keeping his hands on my shoulders.
"Are you sure?"
He raked his eyes over me, frowning.
"I'm not! It was just....scary."
I all but whispered the last part.
"Course it was."
He tugged me in again and hugged me tight.
A sense of complete relief washed over me.
A contentment I only seemed to feel when Blayze Riley was around.
The guy's literally my rock.
"You're okay though that's the main thing."
He commented.
"How bad is Wallace?"
I squeaked.
On the farm we'd taken to calling the ute 'Wallace'.
Blayze shrugged.
"Dunno, I'm only concerned about your safety."
I winced.
"Pa's gonna kill me."
A slight tremor of anxiety slipped into my voice.
"No he won't, it's a car, not you."
"Can we look how bad it is?"
I knew Blayze wouldn't sugarcoat it for me.
Even if it was tough, he'd give it to me straight.
"If you want to. I doubt we'll see much in the dark though."
I insisted.
Blayze nodded and led me to the front of the Ute.
"Left fender and head light will need doin'...."
He walked around to the back.
"Right tail light and tailgate will need replacin'."
He looked my way.
"Might be some other bits but that's what can be seen for now."
I nodded feeling my eyes burn with tears.
Cowgirls don't cry, Bailey.
I reminded myself.
At least that's what Grandpa and Blayze always told me.
"Let's get ya home and get some hot milo into ya."
An edge I couldn't pinpoint, but that sounded gentle and comforting crept into Blayze's deep voice.
He put a strong arm around my shoulders.
"Are we allowed to go?"
I looked toward the police.
"We'll find out."
Blayze led me toward an officer.
Blayze shook hands with the Constable.
What the?
"Good to see ya Blayze!"
The Constable grinned.
Blayze nodded down to me.
"Is Bailey good to go?"
"Yeah, just leave the car and we'll work out what to do with it. Though I can tell ya it appears it certainly wasn't her fault."
Constable Davis shot me a smile.
"Well no shit."
Blayze rolled his eyes.
"Go on home and relax guys, we'll be in touch."
Senior Constable Pharryl urged.
Blayze nodded.
He guided me back around to head to the Xr8..
I climbed into the passenger seat and Blayze climbed into the drivers seat.
"Let's get ya home Bails."
Blayze put the car into gear and turned in a smooth U-turn to head home.
"Sounds like a plan to me."
I muttered.

We were basically silent the whole way home.
Blayze dropped me by the main house and told me he'd be up after he put the Ute back in the shed.
I froze when I stepped into the kitchen, that was aglow with warm light.
Grandma, Grandpa, Mum and Paul were up and sitting around the table.
Uh ohhhhh.
Mum all but leapt out of her seat and threw her arms around me.
I hugged her back tight.
Grandma lined up for her turn then guided me to a chair.
Grandpa squeezed my shoulder.
Paul nodded at me.
"I'm glad you're okay Bailey."
I murmured.
"I'll get you a warm drink dear."
Grandma offered me a smile.
She put down her own mug to head to the kitchen.
By that time the screen door had opened.
"I'm on it Grace."
Blayze assured her.
"Okay then love."
She shot him a smile.
"So what happened? Are you okay?"
Mum asked, gripping my hand.
"I... I..."
Tears burned my eyes.
"You don't have to talk about it now sweet."
Grandma patted my shoulder.
"The p-police said it w-wasn't my f-fault."
Tears pricked my eyes.
"It was so sc-scary!"
My throat caught and my lower lip trembled.
"Don't you worry Darlin'."
Grandpa engulfed my hand in his larger, warm and weathered one.
"It's a car. It can be replaced or fixed, you not so much."
I looked down at the table, feeling a warm pink dusting on my cheeks.
"Blayze said you would say that."
I croaked.
Grandpa chuckled.
"And here I thought you knew to listen to him."
"Bailey? Listen to me? Since when?"
Blayze's voice joined us.
The whole group laughed.
"We were all just worried for your safety Bailey Grace. For now, I'm gonna head back to bed coz I need my beauty sleep."
I mustered up a smile for my Grandpa.
"Night Pa."
"Night honey."
He ruffled my hair as he passed by my chair.
From there, Grandma, Mum and Paul went back to bed too.
I whispered and picked up the mug of hot milo Blayze had made me.
He settled wordlessly into a chair nearby and lifted his own mug for a sip.

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Edited 2/1/2017

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