Chapter Sixty

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Tuesday the tenth of May.
For the last nine years, that date has been important to me.
Last year I had to Skype Blayze to be able to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I finally learnt about six years ago, that he doesn't give two shits about his birthday.
But that never stopped me from making a big deal over it.
I love Birthdays!
Today was no exception.
Today is his twenty-sixth birthday and marks ten years since he left home.
I wonder how his poor Mum is feeling today?
Mentally I pushed that thought aside.
Today I've got to remind Blayze how annoying I am on his birthday!
Setting my toothbrush into the holder in the bathroom after a fairly expected round of being sick, I cranked the tap off and reached for a towel to dry my face.
I turned on my heel and headed out of the bathroom, in the direction of the kitchen.
But not before detouring back to my bedroom and grabbing Blayze's present.
It came in a box for protection, but I'd gone the extra mile and wrapped it in the brightest of wrapping paper that I could find!
With an evil giggle, I skedaddled out of my room so I could catch Blayze before he disappeared for the day with a string of bogus excuses.
"Hey Darlin'."
Grandma greeted, a knowing sparkle in her eyes and amusement clear in her voice.
"Hey Gramma!"
I paused by where she was stood at the stove, cooking bacon, to place a kiss on her cheek.
"Go find that boy."
She said with a chuckle.
I froze.
"He's not shown his face?"
Don't tell me he's skipped out early!
"He came in and accepted a hazelnut coffee from your Mum a few minutes ago."
I hit a run for the out dining room.
Grandma's laughter sounded behind me.
Blayze is not going to escape me!
I skidded through the doorway and-
I squeezed my eyes shut, gripping the present tightly in my hands.
"I'm invisible now? Sweet! I wished for an invisibility cloak since Harry Potter came out!"
Oh my god!
I snapped my eyes open, coming face to-well face chest with Blayze!
I looked up further to find his face.
Amusement danced in the depths of his eyes and in one hand he held a coffee in MY MUG!
"That's my mug!"
I exclaimed, my eyes wide.
Why would Mum have given him my mug?
Everybody knows it's my mug!
Blayze smirked.
"But Cowgirl's do rule."
That's not even the point!
I growled.
"Blayze! I know Mum gave you the coffee but-"
"Hallefuckinglujah, she didn't start the day with screamin' happy birthday."
He muttered, lifting the cup to take a sip from it.
Hold on!
This has gotten way off track!
I yelped.
He paused, the rim of the cup almost to his mouth.
His entirely delectable mouth...
Would you cut to the chase woman?!
Mentally I slapped myself.
"Can we start all this again?"
I asked.
Slowly, Blayze lowered the mug.
" I like the way it's gone down."
He cannot ruin this for me!
Well it is his birthday!
Shut up stupid voice!
I yelled, launching myself at Blayze, throwing my arms up to catch him in a hug.
Laughing, he wrapped his non coffee holding arm around my back, supporting me.
Oh no!
My disastrous morning was continuing!
I squealed, my eyes wide with horror as the present slid from the last of my grip, plummeting toward the hardwood floor.
A tanned hand shot out, swooping beneath the colourful wrapping paper.
I snapped my gaze to the right, from where my chin hung over Blayze's shoulder, to see Heath standing there.
"Thank you!"
I exclaimed, my heart pounding.
"For what?"
Blayze's chest vibrated with his voice.
"Not you!"
I scowled, scrambling out of the hug even though it had felt amazing and I really didn't want to move.
I darted around him to take the present back from Heath.
"Thank you, thank you thank you."
He laughed.
"Good timin' eh?"
I nodded.
I clutched the present protectively in my arms and turned back to Blayze.
But he was gone!
"You little shit!"
I yelled, my gaze darting to the two possible doorways he could've used without me noticing.
He couldn't have escaped out the back door and the dangerously large property, because he would have had to go past Heath and I would've seen him!
"Language Bailey Grace!"
Grandma called from within the kitchen.
I heard snickering laughter.
Found you!
Heath pointed toward the wall where the kitchen was situated to the other side, confirming my thoughts.
I hurried back through the kitchen doorway.
Blayze was stood in the kitchen now holding two mugs.
"Put them down."
I commanded.
"They're not weapons..."
He clearly tried to be serious, but failed because I easily saw his lips twitching and his eyes dancing.
"It's coffee. One for me."
He lifted a black mug.
"One for you."
He lifted my Cowgirl's Rule mug.
He got me coffee!
"Put them down."
I ordered, refusing to be distracted.
With a roll of his eyes, Blayze turned to set the mug's onto the bench.
"You should know how this works by now Blayze."
Grandma said, laughter audible in her voice.
"I'm well aware."
Blayze promised, leaning backward on the bench, amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Here you go!"
I skipped forward and held the blindingly colourful present out toward him.
His eyes flicked from the package, up to my face.
"You didn't have to get me anything."
Here we go, the same lines from every god damn year!
I rolled my eyes.
"Yes I did!"
"Shut up and accept it."
We all looked toward the doorway to see a sleepy looking Jaxon had made his way in.
"You woke me up way too god damn early."
"Awe rock star can't hack an early start?"
Blayze teased.
The easy, teasing relationship they share, was lovely to see.
But right now Blayze has a present to open!
I pushed the present into his chest.
With a roll of his eyes, but a small smile on his lips, he took it off my hands.
His gaze dropped to the present then flicked up to my face.
"Bright enough paper?"
I grinned, practically bouncing on my toes.
"You know it!"
Shaking his head, Blayze set about opening the present.

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