Chapter Twenty Nine

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Biting my lip, I looked down at my vibrating phone, the LED light flashing and the screen bright.
Blayze was calling again.
I crossed over to my bed and sat on the edge of it, unsure what to do.
I was showered and dressed in my own clothes again, Blayze's t-shirt and track pants folded up and sitting at the foot of my bed.
Should I answer?
After everything, it would be bad if I didn't.
But he's going to meet up with Rikki.
My heart stung painfully.
And a poor little boy who's maybe his Kid...
Guilt washed over me.
None of us were asking for this.
Least of all Blayze.
Before I could swipe my finger across the answer bar, the screen blanked.
I unlocked the phone using my passcode and tapped the phonebook button to find Blayze's number.
I tapped on his name and then the phone number option.
Once the call connected, I held the phone to my ear.
Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring-
I frowned, hearing the sounds of driving in the background.
Does Blayze have hand's free?
Probably not.
He's most likely just being Blayze.
I attempted at a normal, carefree voice.
"You there?"
His frown was audible.
This was going to be useless if he wasn't going to be able to hear me.
"Look, Heath warned me to... tread carefully."
Blayze said, like he didn't know how to do this.
Join the club!
I answered carefully.
What's he even on about?
"I told Tameron last time I saw him, that I'd see him today at eleven thirty. That's why Rikki's been goin nut's on my phone, coz I'm not there."
It was a challenge to hear him, because his voice seemed to go in and out, but I think I got the gist of his word's.
"Yeah, Heath said you were meant to meet with them."
Why hadn't he mentioned it to me?
Once again, my heart stung.
We had plenty of 'chill out time' last night and we woke up together this morning...
"I'm going to see Tameron. As hard as all this is, he doesn't deserve to feel unwanted."
Blayze explained.
Yeah, that I could understand.
I knew what it was like to not have my Dad around.
I couldn't say I wished it on a four year old.
"Yeah. I can relate."
His voice sounded further away again.
I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath.
"I get where he's coming from!"
I said, louder.
"Yeah, I figured you would. Look I'll... I guess I'll be with Tameron for a bit, but I'll catch up with ya when I get back, alright?"
He offered.
"Yeah okay..."
"I've still got about an hour's driving ahead of me."
He explained.
"Have fun with that."
I didn't envy him sitting in the car driving... wherever.
"Alright well I'd better get off here.bI'll see ya a bit later."
"Righto, bye."
He bade.
I whispered.
I pulled the phone from my ear and ended the call.
Now what to do?
Go riding?
It's probably a bit hot for that...
Sighing, I stood, slipped my phone into my pocket and made my way to the kitchen.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
Sitting at the breakfast bar with a glass of ice cold lemonade in front of me, I was perfectly content sitting in the cool kitchen.
I had been watching Grandma baking.
But she'd wandered off for some reason.
Now my peace was hampered by the arrival of Izac and Jace.
"What do you want?"
I worked hard to not sound irritated.
Izac let loose with a huge, hopeful, toothy grin.
"Want to take us swimming?"
His third to front top tooth on the right was missing!
I blinked at my little brother.
"Did you lose a tooth?"
How come nobody told me about this?
Why didn't Izac tell me?
Jace folded his arm's across his chest.
"He got in a fight and it was punched out."
"How? When? School's not even on!"
What in the heck was going on?
Izac averted his gaze.
"At a holiday program..."
I raised a questioning, disbelieving brow.
"You got in a punch up and you expect me to reward you by supervising you swimming?"
Jace smiled sweetly.
"Well it would be refreshing for you too?"
Yeah, the water would be refreshing.
But as if I wanted to reward my brother getting in a fight.
He's only seven!
"My tooth was already wobbly."
Izac looked down at the floor.
"If just happened to come out in the fight."
"Mum already know's."
Jace added quickly.
A moving figure caught my attention.
I swivelled on my stool to look at her.
"Do you know about this?"
Her voice came out a little strained.
"Izac hasn't had his DS since the incident on Thursday. He get's it back in the morning if he remains on perfect behaviour."
"They want me to take them swimming."
I informed her.
Mum smiled.
"I said if you were around the place it was okay to ask you. Lily is sick, so I don't want to leave her."
Sighing, I looked down at my little brother's.
They wouldn't remain little and asking for my assistance for long.
"Okay. Go get your swimming gear and suncream on. And pull Hazel away from Lily and ask her on the down low if she want's to join us."
I had to talk quickly by the end, because the brat's were already taking off!
"Thanks honey."
Mum shot me a smile, pulling a t-shirt out of a laundry basket to fold it.
"You're a great big sis."
I rolled my eyes.
"Hardly. I didn't even know Izac got in a fight, or that he lost a tooth for it."
"It was already loose. Turn's out Jace was sticking up for a Kid in their class who's been getting picked on and Izac jumped in because Jace was a bit outnumbered. I wasn't the only parent called in. I'm not impressed, but I didn't rip entire strip's off them because Jace was looking out for an underdog and Izac was looking out for Jace."
I couldn't help but smile.
"I guess that's the good thing about twin's huh? Always got somebody to have your back."
"I was glad Blayze came along when he did and you brought him back down to earth. He's certainly taught you a thing or two when it comes to looking out for yourself, being you have no older sibling's and your younger ones are much younger."
Mum said with a fond smile, folding a pair of short's.
"Yeah, I did get a good teacher."
I slipped off the stool.
"I'd better go get ready or they'll be ready before me."
"Thanks again, honey."
"No worries!"
I called over my shoulder as I slipped into the hallway, headed for my bedroom.

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