True Love Touch - Part 3

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad things will go back to normal soon," she said.

"Yeah, I was getting tired of being here all the time. I even miss class."

Ron snorted and Hermione smiled.

"Now that's something I didn't expect to hear. Who would have thought that Harry Potter would miss not going to class."

"Miracles do happen," Harry shrugged.

"I personally don't think that I would ever miss classes," Ron grinned when Hermione glared at him. "I'm kidding, Mione, don't worry."

"You better. Classes are important and they give you knowledge that's going to be useful to you at some point in your life. Missing a whole year of school last year was more than enough."

"You're right," Ron reached out to move a curl from her face. "You're completely right."

"I think we don't need to research anything tonight then," Harry smiled, stretching his arms above his head.

"I would still like to look over some things before you take the potion, Harry. However, even if we don't do any research on this tonight, we still have to study. Not going to class makes it even more important to study on your own and I want to make sure that you know the things we've been learning before you go back and feel overwhelmed by everything."

Harry groaned, playing the part of the annoyed friend who didn't want to study. He didn't want to study, he'd rather spend his night doing anything else, but this was Hermione, who always worried about him and who was always there for him. Hermione who wanted to make sure that he knew enough about everything so that he wasn't lost when he went back to class. And he couldn't say no to Hermione after she did so much for him, not only now but over the years.

"We can start with Defence maybe?" Harry suggested, thinking that spending a night studying was worth it to thank Hermione for everything.

Ron rested his head on the table and groaned, not happy with the idea.

"Why, mate? Why?" He poked Harry's shoulder and turned to his book, neither of them remembering the curse for a second.


Harry walked down the stairs of the castle, the cold touching his skin through the clothes. His fingers were freezing where they were holding the Marauders' map in front of him, his eyes following the line to the name Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy was on the first floor and Harry had a feeling that he had chosen that place just to be an inconvenience and make Harry climb down all the stairs from the tower. It seemed like the kind of thing that Malfoy would do, make sure that Harry knew that they weren't friends and that he wouldn't make his life easy at all.

He hurried down the stairs, not wanting to make Malfoy wait too much in fear that the other boy would think he wasn't going to show up. When Harry hopped down the last step, he mumbled the words to erase the map from the parchment and closed it, putting it inside his pocket.

Malfoy was sitting on the floor at the end of the corridor, half-hidden in the shadows. Harry walked slowly up to him, steps careful and silent as not to be heard. He still didn't know how last time Malfoy had been able to know he was there when he was being careful.

Harry hadn't given up on startling him, though.

This time, he was even more careful with his steps. He walked on the tip of his toes and held his breath for as long as he could, his whole body tense with the effort to make no noise at all.

His efforts were rewarded when Malfoy didn't look up or make any remarks. If he had noticed Harry, he would have said something.

Harry bent down slightly, holding the cloak close to him as not to let it touch Malfoy in any way, and put his face close to Malfoy's ear. Malfoy's eyebrows furrowed and, before he could turn to look, Harry intervened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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