"So you're the clown messing with my cute sister's head? Here's my thanks: the Go-Rock Squad's soon getting the means to make Pokemon do exactly what we want. Your Rangers are going to be out of business overnight. The first thing I'm going to do is get stinking rich by working Pokemon to the bone. That's my dream for now. It's all about the cash, flash. If you've got the stash, there's nothing that you can't do in life."

     "Is that all you care about is cash? Your priorities are a bit twisted..."

     "Not as twisted as yours will be when you're out of a job. I should consider hiring you, hey? But before that...I may be lazy, but even I won't let anything get in the way of my dreams!" He pulls out his drum, apparently also fixed after I broke it, and beats out on it. The tough Pokemon, a Slakoth, Vigoroth, and a Slaking, come rushing right at me.

     This capture was difficult simply because it was so many Pokemon at once that were each powerful and could damage my Styler massively. I had to watch them and wait, and single them out, but Slakoth kept coming out of nowhere when I thought I had them to swipe at the Line. I got Slakoth out of the way first, then called for the help of my Plusle to immobilize the other two and get them captured together.

     "I lost both ends of an away-and-home series? Me, Clyde of the Go-Rock Quads? That's just not happening...But happen it did. But that doesn't mean my dream of getting stinking rich off Pokemon has gone belly-up!"

     "Maybe if you rearranged your way of thinking..." I didn't even want to waste my breath, and him and his sister were rushing out the door anyway. 

     They run to the next room, pounding on the door to let them in. I follow, of course, and this was Garret's room. Wouldn't you believe it, the door was painted like his white lab coat thing, with the red flames motif?

     Inside, there were more high-tech things I didn't know the purpose of, and the siblings were gathered behind Garret and his Pokemon. He had two Scyther and a Scizor.

     "I had been hoping to see you again. As a result of your meddling, my Dusk Factory was destroyed. And, as a result of that, I am losing the boss's trust. Actually, I am grateful that you've caused me so much grief. Because I'm using that anger...That anger as motivation..." He seems to be puffing himself up here. It's as if the "anger" he speaks of is threatening to burst from him. "As m-motivation...to hit back!!!" He raises his bass guitar and calls forth his Pokemon, and another capture is initiated.

     I've had intense battles before as a Trainer, and captures as a Ranger are somewhat lacking some of that intensity. I must say, though, these battles with the Go-Rock Dorks are exhilarating and I can feel the adrenaline as I beat each one back to back. I can only imagine how a fight with their boss will go again.

     These Pokemon were simply fast, all three of them. The Scizor is the one that would take the longest to capture, but the two Scyther were in the way. I had to individually capture each one before I could single out and capture the Scizor.

     Garret was panting. "It's so unlike me to get so excited...If only I had the Power Styler that the boss completed...I would have won."

     "The Power Styler is already completed? Then why don't you have one?"

     "Only our boss has the Power Styler. Though its performance is incredible, only one has been made. You should consider yourself lucky. However...If you think you've changed anything by defeating me...You're very sadly mistaken." The three siblings hurriedly dashed off to the steps in the back of the room and stomp downstairs.

     I follow them down the steps, and there was a nice door that must lead to Billy. It was intricately designed and the floors and hallway were not white like the rest of the base. It was purple and green and gave a very deep dark secret vibe to the whole shebang. Past this door was a long red carpeted throne room-like hallway flanked by statues of Machamp. Some of them, however, were not statues. I captured one just in case I needed it later.

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