Chapter 1: A Place to Stay

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Over the course of about four days, Susie's life completely changed. Star Dream, the all-knowing machine built by her father, President Haltmann, had been destroyed by Kirby. Unfortunately, Haltmann himself had also been erased from existence, leaving Susie without any living relatives. Susie—still in disbelief that everything in her life had changed so rapidly—thought about the days' events, recalling them as she climbed into her mech suit. As Susie began to leave Planet Popstar, she realized something: she had nowhere to go. With Haltmann Works Corporation in ruins, Susie came to the conclusion that she didn't have anywhere to live. After coming to this realization she looked backwards, noticing Kirby; he was eating a piece of strawberry cake, chewing on it as his friends—Bandana Waddle Dee and King Dedede—rambled on about events that occurred during the week.

    "It looks like I'm going to have to ask Kirby if I can stay with him in the meantime... if not, I won't have anywhere to go!" thought Susie, beginning to walk towards Kirby. She felt awkward doing so, since Kirby likely still viewed her as a villain, a foe which insulted him and tried to kill him multiple times. Although she did end up siding with Kirby at the end, she was still afraid that she would forever be viewed as the evil daughter of President Haltmann and not viewed as Kirby's ally or friend.

    Susie reluctantly made her way towards Kirby, with each step she took making her increasingly anxious. Eventually, she was standing right in front of Kirby, causing him to look up at her. Susie smiled awkwardly at him, searching her mind for the right way to word her question.

    "Hi Pink—  I mean, Kirby... since Haltmann Works Corporation was destroyed, I have nowhere to live, and I was wondering if maybe you could let me stay with you while I find a home." Kirby shook his head from side to side, slightly frowning.

    "I don't have enough room for another person at my place, but maybe one of my friends has room! What about you King Dedede, don't you live in a spacious castle?" King Dedede laughed in a nervous manner.

    "Well actually, I received more waddle dees earlier today, so I don't have enough room for your friend, sorry..." After hearing this comment, Susie's facial expression changed, displaying notable disappointment. She then looked at Bandana Waddle Dee.

    "Can I stay at your place? I promise I won't take too much space!" Bandana Waddle Dee frowned at her request.

    "I live at Castle Dedede with King Dedede, and he said he didn't have room, so I don't think you can stay at my place..." As Waddle Dee finished his statement, an idea popped into Kirby's head.

    "Well, these aren't my only friends, so let's go ask other people if they can take you in, Susie!" Susie nodded her head in approval; subsequently, Kirby signaled for her to follow him. The two of them walked for what felt like an eternity, but finally, after fifteen minutes, they arrived at Kirby's house.

    "I'll be right back, so wait out here," said Kirby, running into his tiny cottage. After a few minutes, he returned, carrying a white sock.

    "Hop in!" exclaimed Kirby, holding the sock out in front of him. Susie was confused; she had never seen anything like it. Reluctantly, she jumped in, followed by Kirby himself. In the span of just five seconds, they found themselves in a world completely made out of yarn.

    "Where are we, Pinky?" a confused Susie asked Kirby, staring at the yarn castle in front of them.

    "We are at Patch Castle; my friend Prince Fluff lives here!" Susie—still in a state of extreme confusion—followed Kirby, gazing in awe at her new surroundings. Kirby and Susie then proceeded to knock the main door of a white, felt castle, which Kirby later explained was Patch Castle. A blue yarn boy, who Susie thought looked quite similar to Kirby, opened the door.

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