The Shining Light That Pushes Beyond

Start from the beginning

"27 minutes Guardian, it's 24 to the school at full sprint." Ghost reported as Izuku followed multiple directions from his Ghost through the streets of Japan. 

"Fuck." Izuku said as he continued to run. Multiple minutes later, he ran up the steps of UA and into the halls. Following some last instructions from Ghost, he stood in front of his class. 'Fuck, I made it. Holy shit I need to wake up on time.' Izuku thought as he looked himself over, making sure he was ready. 

"Take your feet off that desk now." Izuku could hear muffled talking from inside as he opened the door to see what the commotion was. He saw the boy from the entrance exams yelling at Bakugo. "It's the first day, and you are already disrespecting school property by scuffing it you cretin." 

"Your kidding me right, did your old school put a stick up your as? Or where you born with it?" Bakugo replied as he looked at the kid.

"Lets all start over shall we. I am Tenya Ilda from the Somei Private Academy." Ilda introduced himself. 

"Somei huh, you must think your better than us! Well I'm going to have fun tearing you a new one" Bakugo sneered as Izuku heard the door start to open behind him.

"You would threaten me, your own classmate? Are you sure your in the right place?" Ilda said, looking taken aback.

"You get used to his yelling and threats, trust me." Izuku told Ilda as the whole class finally took notice of him. 

"Its him." Ilda said as he looked at Izuku.

"That's a little bland don't you think." Izuku smirked. 

"My name is..." Ilda approached Izuku.

"Yeah yeah, I heard it all. You two could be heard on the other side of the door." Izuku interrupted the boy as he waved his hand. "Sounds like you two get along well. Anyway, names Izuku Midoriya." 

"Yes well Midoriya, in the exam, you realized there was a hidden grading requirement, didn't you?" Ilda asked as the class perked up. "You must be extremely perceptive, and I completely misjudged you. 

"No, I was just doin whatever I wanted to during that whole thing." Izuku said boredly as the class listened on. "So what if I helped or saved a few people, that's sorta in the job description of being a hero I feel."

"Hey I recognize that messy hair, it's the one punch dude." Izuku heard a voice behind him as he turned to see the girl he saved. "I can't believe I get to see you again, not that surprised though, that punch was amazing." The girl said.

"Is that a wide spread nickname, cause punching really ain't my style believe or not." Izuku chuckled as he looked down to she a yellow bag. "But I feel that shouldn't be the worry right about now."

The bag started to unzip as a face came out. "If you're here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now." Everyone near the doorway froze as a man said this while laying in the hall. "Welcome to the hero course." He said as he pulled a juice pouch from his sleeping bag.

'What the hell am I looking at.' Izuku thought as he looked at the man as he began to stand and take the sleeping bag off.

"It took you eight seconds for all of you to shut up, that's not going to work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that." The man said as he walked into the room.

'It wouldn't be to far of a guess to say he's our teacher, but who is he?' Izuku thought as he watched the man closely. 

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa." The man introduced himself, "I'll be serving as your teacher." He said as the class looked shocked. "Right, let's get to it. Put these on," He said as he pulled a gym uniform from his bag, " and head outside."

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