"You bastard!"

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Day 3: Gaming/Watching a movie.

"I can't believe you came here, Crowley" protested Aziraphale.

The demon just hissed in answer, still in his snake form. Then, he turned into his human form and smiled with mockery.

"It's not funny, wiley serpent, we're supposed to stay home during pandemic!" Growled the angel.

"Meh, relax, angel" suggested the red haired "We can't spread the virus anyway, and I miracled here so, I'm perfectly following social distance recommendations".

"But still-"

"C'mon, I just wanted to see you eat cake, maybe spend some time together..." The demon stared at the angel, who got lost for a while in his yellow snake eyes, then blushed.

Well, being with Crowley wasn't a problem. Actually, that was a pretty enjoyable pleasure.

Finally, the angel made his expression soft, and sighed "what do you suggest?"

"My dear, I don't understand..." Mumbled the blonde one, very confused.

"For somebody's sake, Aziraphale, is not that hard" Crowley whined "They are just stupid buttons".

"But I don't know how to jump!" The angel felt frustrated "AND YOU HAVEN'T EXPLAINED WHAT'S THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME YET!"




There were just one single working neuron between them.
And it's not like it made its work properly.

"Press A to jump" said Crowley.

They were playing with Crowley's Switch (The demon miracled the console and a TV into the bookshop). Aziraphale was using the blue control, Crowley the red one.

Demon's main was Bowser, Crowley thought his red hair and his accessories were cool as hell, and he liked the way he could use fire to attack.

It was the first time Aziraphale played a videogame in his whole existence, so he didn't know which one was good, so he choose in aleatory, obtaining Jigglypuff, Kirby and Olimar on the last three fights; he lose,of course.

"I give up, my dear, this is not my thing" Aziraphale sighed, being kinda disappointed with himself.

"Nonononono, C'mon, angel, we're supposed to have fun" said Crowley putting down his control and looking at his friend.

"But I'm a mess with all this technological stuff, there's no way you can be having fun playing with me"

"Aziraphale, look at me" they stared to each other "Being with you doing whatever stuff we can do made me the luckiest demon in this universe... And yeah, you're kinda dumb, but I always have fun when we're together".

Aziraphale snorted "Silly demon..."

"And you're being ridiculous anyway!" Insisted Crowley "It's just you haven't found your main, come here, let me help you".

The search wasn't difficult, and in a flash, Crowley found Aziraphale's perfect partner.

" Here is!" Announced proud of himself "The old Meta Knight: a mysterious, full of honor and respectful to laws swordsman, and a bookworm, just like you, also, he loves cakes and candies...  It's literally you in Dark Mode".

Aziraphale looked at the puffball, feeling kinda uncomfortable due Meta Knight's darkness. It wasn't his style.

Crowley noticed so rolled his eyes and chose the white skin of the character.

" Better? "

Now, Meta Knight looked like him... Kind of.

"Thank you my dear" Aziraphale smiled and they start to play.

Crowley was staring at the TV being in shock "YOU BASTARD!"  was the only thing he could say in a high pitched tone "YOU FUCKING LIED, YOU DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY"

"No, I don't, I didn't know how to" replied the angel.

It was the seventh time that Aziraphale defeated Crowley using his new main: the light Meta Knight.

"BULLSHIT" Protested the ginger.

"Don't be childish".


Aziraphale rolled his eyes, that was going to be a long quarantine, but then he smiled; there's no better person, angel or demon to made him company than his Crowley.

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