"Oh, dear, you just had to say it"

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Day 1: Holding Hands

Crowley was anxious. His eyes were going one side to other, looking at everything and simultaneously nothing in the room. He cleared his throat softly more than once, maybe too many times, because Aziraphel looked at him with a confused expression.

"Dear, is there something wrong?" Questioned the angel, quitting his sight of his book.

They were on Aziraphel's Bookshop, waiting for any client (or not, due Aziraphale don't really like to sell his books), meanwhile the owner was entertaining himself by reading, the demon was boring to death. Normally, Aziraphel would paid attention the whole time to Crowley, trying to entertain his guest, but the book was pretty interesting and he had that level of confidence with the red haired to let him vague around his shop.

The snake demon didn't know why he was still there, he was doing nothing. But there was something that keep him there, a wish, a desire.

And Crowley cleared his throat again. Aziraphel got exhaperated.

"What on Earth is going on, Crowley? You are weird today" The angel closed his book quickly, applying perhaps a lot of force. poor book, it wasn't its fault.

"Uh, I just... I mean... honestly..." The red haired demon blushed while he was babbling, and the confusion in the celestial being grew a little. Then, Aziraphale felt a nice warm feeling on his hand, he felt the touch of Crowley's hand, then he blushed too.

"Oh, dear, you just had to say it" Said the angel using a soft tone, one that the snake demon loved so much, then he added "holding your hand is always a pleasure".

"Wha-? Of courssse I can't do that! Angel, that would be ridiculoussss" Crowley hissed ashamed, the blushing was even bigger now.

"Yeah, of course, that would ruin your demonic style, dear" Answered the angel with mockery.

Crowley just turned in direction of one of the bookshelves, scaping of his angel look, and enjoyed of his sweet touch.

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