"Angel, you're warm..."

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Day 2: cuddling somewhere.

London was rainy that day, but London was always rainy. It was cold too, and that was especially annoying to Crowley, who in his snake(demon) condition was terribly affected. The cold weather always made the red haired demon gets grumpy.

Crowley was covered by at least three bed sheets, using a fluffy black sweater and drinking hot chocolate. He started to grumble, asking why he haven't moved to South America yet, that would be nice, he thought, there would be a lot of nice snake friends to hang out (probably).

Then the sound of someone knocking his door was heard, and another grumble too.

"Uh, dear? It's me, Aziraphale"

Yeah, sure, he announce his name like I don't know his voice and presence even better than mine. Thought Crowley rolling his eyes, thinking that the angel could be kinda dumb sometimes.

He didn't want to move from his warm protection, so he miraculously opened the door with a snap and said "Come in, Angel, I'm in my room right now and I don't wanna go outside".

The snake demon heard the door getting closed and those familiar steps, then a soft mumble, he sighed because he knew it was Aziraphale giving compliments and sweet words to his plants again.

Aziraphale knocked the door of Crowley's room and then he went inside "with your permission, dear"

"Hello, angel"

The view of a Crowley surrounded by bed sheets looking like a black baby caterpillar somehow made Aziraphale feel weak.

"Awwww" he expressed "Dear, you look cute"

But not even that could make Crowley go out of that comfortable warm, so he just hissed being clearly annoyed.

The angel with blue eyes resisted his desire to laugh, that was definitely funny. He knew Crowley, the demon wasn't drunk or something, he was just uncomfortable about the weather which made the situation, as he thought before, funny.

"You have more than 6000 years, don't be childish"

"Force me, angel"

Aziraphale rolled his eyes, and suddenly remembered why he was there. He sat down on Crowley's bed and showed him a bag.

"I baked to many cakes, I can't eat them all by myself"

Bullshit. Thought Crowley.

"So I had the wonderful idea of coming here and share them with you" The smile Aziraphale gave to Crowley almost made him get better.


"Honesstly, angel, I'm not in mood today" Crowley sighed "I don't know, I'm..."

"Ow, I understand... I'm going home then, sorry for bothering you..." When Aziraphale tried to stand up, Crowley's hand stopped him.

"No, pleasssse, sssstay with me, Angel" He was practically begging.

Aziraphale gave him another of his sweet smiles, and got closer. The principality stroked his hair gently, Crowley closed his eyes and enjoyed the touch. Then, start to talk, saying cute things to the red haired, trying to make him feel better, he even gave him a hug.

"Angel, you are warm..."

Slowly, Crowley's humour got better. Perhaps rain wasn't that bad after all.

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